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Compare The Ministers Black veil by Nathaniel Hawthorne and The cask Of Amontillado

Essay Instructions:
I am to compare The Ministers Black veil by Nathaniel Hawthorne and The cask if amontillado, they can both be found on the internet. i need a paper written 2 pages in length 1. Hawthorne's The Minister's Black Veil begins with the sub-heading “A Parable.” Explain what the literary genre “parable” is and explain how The Ministers Black Veil does or does not fit into this genre. 2. Both Hawthorne's The Ministers Black Veil and Poe's The Cask of Amontillado allude to events that are not written. Events such as what made the minister wear the veil or what insult drove Montressor to enact such revenge on Fortunato. However, we can infer from the characterization and the context what these deeds might have been. Using examples form the stories to infer these events, explain what you think caused these characters to act as they did. 3. Classify The Ministers Black Veil and The Cask of Amontillado in their respective literary movement (Romantic, Gothic, Naturalism, etc.) Do both stories fall under the same movement? Why or why not? Discuss the similarities and differences of The Ministers Black Veil and The Cask of Amontillado in regards to themes and ideology respective to their literary movement.
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Compare The Ministers Black veil by Nathaniel Hawthorne and The cask Of Amontillado.
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The Minister`s Black Veil begins with the sub-heading "A Parable". A parable is a saying or story in which something is expressed in terms of something else and they usually have hidden meanings that may not be clear to the reader or listener at first. The Ministers Black Veil is a parable in that the minister tries to convey an idea of secret sin by hiding his face behind a black veil. The parishioners are confused and do not know why the minister is wearing a black veil. At the end of the story the readers come to learn that the minister intended that the parishioners should understand that men wear a symbolic black veil and everyone has a secret sin that is hidden from others that we are unwilling to admit.
The veil is also a symbol of the masks of deceit and sin that separate all individuals from truly facing themselves, their loved ones, and the divine spirit through the ministers own words. The minister tries to teach the parishioners indirectly that people are not upfront as they seem as there is always something lurking in the background that we don`t know of Edgar`s story, The Cask of Amontillado also touches on the same theme on men`s evil nature as seen in the actions of Montresor burying his friend alive for reasons that are unclear.
Both Hawthorne`s The Ministers Black Veil and Poe`s and The Cask of Amontillado allude to events ...
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