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Learning Effective Note Taking

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Note Taking
(Student`s Name)
(Course Code/Number)
(Name of Professor)
(Date of Submission)
Assignment One: Learning Effective Note Taking
1) According to the materials that you reviewed for this assignment, why is it important to review your class notes after class?
Based on the notes, it is important to review one`s class notes after class because these notes activate certain memories regarding the lecture, discussion, or even during a reading. Also, it is important to review notes after class because doing so would help in the retention of the lesson or the facts gathered during discussion. In addition to this most practical reason, reviewing notes after class would also make it possible for the note-taker to edit the phrases and words that otherwise would not have made sense when if they are viewed several hours after class. Editing notes after class would also allow the user to highlight ideas by using different-colored pens, and it will also give the student a chance to clarify some questions or concerns.
2) Without review, how much of material is forgotten within one day from the time the material is originally presented?
Without review, around 62% of the knowledge the person has just gained is forgotten or lost from the person`s memory.
3) Look at your notes from class. Review the assigned reading and any materials used in class by your instructor. Label using numbers on your notes where these main points are located.
In comparing my notes with the materials used in class, I can say that almost 80% of the main points from the lecture and the readings are reflected in my notes. Some of these main points are the percentage by which data is forgotten without review (1), and the five tips for note taking: (2) prepare, (3) listening skills, (4) develop method, (5) pay attention to content, and (6) review and edit notes. For the second material, the main points I was able to write down were (7) questions to ask, (8) reasons to take notes, and (9) guide to note taking. For the last material, Cornell Note taking System, the main points I was able to write were: (10) record, (11) reduce, (12) recite, (13) reflect, and (14) review.
4) Looking at your notes from class, what aspects of the materials presented did you have questions about? Label using letters.
As much as I was able to write down on my notes the main points of the lesson, I have certain questions that need to be clarified. In looking at the notes from the class, I have some questions on the actual applicability of the concepts on real life. More specifically, I have questions on the following: a) Are they really forgotten, or they stored in the subconscious?; b) No other alternatives to three-ring binder?; c) How do I improve concentration and listening skills?; d) I thought it should be brief. How come definitions need to be taken word for word?; e) Why do we need to assess?; f) What makes this system more effective than other methods?
5) Look at your notes from class. Review the assigned reading and any materials used in class by your instructor.
Again, even though I was able to take down around 85% of the notes, there are still some points that I need to add. Some of these points include *Enter with positive attitude. *Start new lecture on new page. *Include example of popular note-taking formats. *Include details, facts, and explanations of main points. *Use different colored pen. *Compare notes with textbook reading. *Contains info not found anywhere else. *Translate into own word. *Write legibly. *Label and index ideas or experiences.
Notes FOr analysis:
1. Top Five Note-taking Tips
(1) -Memory fades fast:
62% data forgotten first day
47% data forgotten w/in first 20 minutes (a)
Tip 1: (2) Prepare
* Use three-ring binder(b)
* Use highlighter
* Read assignments and previous notes
Tip 2: (3) Listening Skills*
* Pay attention (c)
* Adapt to direction of lecture
Tip 3: (4) Develop method
* Number each page, with date*
* Write on one side only
* Provide blank spaces
* Make notes brief
* Use symbols or abbreviations
* Note new concepts or words*
Tip 4: (5) Pay attention to content
* Use examples*
* If definition - word for word(d)
* Lists or enumerations
* Note materials written on board
* Repeated or spelled-out content
Tip 5: (6) Review and edit notes*
* Review within 24 hours
Re-write cannot be understood words
Highlight what you don`t understand
Fill in important details*
2. Evaluation of Present Note-taking System(e)
A. (7) Questions to ask:
Use complete sentences?
Clear or confusing?
Main points and subpoints?
Abbreviations and shortcuts?
B. (8) Reasons to take notes
Trigger memories
Clue to most important details
Kinesthetic inscription
Concentrate in class
Test preparation*
C. (9) Guideline to note-taking
Be consistent
Be selective*
Organize ideas
Be brief*
No concern for grammar/spelling
3. Cornell Note taking System (f)
- dive paper into two columns, one side larger
-larger side is main column, smaller is recall column
A. (10) Record
Record in main column meaningful facts
B. (11) Reduce
Summarize ideas in recall column
To prepare for exam
C. (12) Recite
Cover main column then recite facts using summary in recall column
Use own words
D. (13) Reflect
Opinions on lesson*
E. (14) Review
10 minutes every week
Assignment Two: Video Analysis
1 Using the Ethical Decision Making Model from ACC 205, complete the following steps:
(10 points)
* What are five facts you know?
Based on the Ethical Decision Making Model, certain facts about the case came to light. (i) For one, perhaps the most significant fact that was revealed is that rich people are literally being paid not to farm, in the form of farm subsidies. (ii) These subsidies are otherwise known as conservation payment, which are "rewarded" to eligible citizens for not farming their properties that are considered as conservation areas. (iii) Another fac...
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