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Losses and Recoveries in enduring the length of a war: a look on 'The Things They Carried'

Essay Instructions:
You can choose 'The Things They Carried' or 'Two Kinds' Requirements and Options: The completed draft of this essay should be somewhere around 500-1000 words, using MLA format. You may choose to write about any story or poem that is assigned for Unit Two. Although you may use some research for your weekly assignments to help you explicate and analyze the literature, this essay should NOT include outside source material. The content should be derived from your own analysis, based on class discussions and your own observations. Reminder: Keep in mind that you will be developing either this essay or your next essay for your research project, so choose your topic carefully.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Losses and Recoveries in enduring the length of a war: a look on "The Things They Carried"
Tim O`Brien`s "The Things they Carried," an autobiography that sketches the undertakings of the author in the midst of the seemingly despondent and all but grueling period of Vietnam War is also an expansive look into the massive toll a war can cause and how individuals try to go on with their lives despite the hardships. In these twenty-two stories, we can see how they are united by the commonality of being struggles in the face of war, whether personal, political or psychological. Through the observant eyes of O`Brien, we were able to have a view of how the Alpha Company group of soldiers was able to perish in and endure the vicissitudes posed rather vehemently by the long and cruel years of war.
We were able to see how each character contends with his own contradictions in order to go smoothly and firmly with the laid task of protecting the country in front of them. For instance, Tim was generally a peace-lover, one who as much as possible would want to get rid of violence and squabbles in settling matters, no matter who are the parties involved. But he was compelled to join the military force because of his allegiance to the country and its people. This sketch on the run of his stint during the military and his observations of the people`s reactions to that phase in history are part of his efforts to reclaim himself after doing something that he did not intend at the onset. As we went on with the other stories, we would see how the individual is often tormented by these happenings in his surroundings and how he tried to recuperate after doing something that is not at peace with his will and caused him discomfiture.
Jimmy Cross, the leader of the group, was likewise beset by guilt and uneasiness, albeit one...
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