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Gender Roles and their Impact on the Modern Society

Essay Instructions:

This week you will submit a rough draft of your formal report or proposal. If you are writing a formal report, your rough draft will include the following elements.

Title Page

Table of Contents

Executive Summary


If you are writing a proposal, your rough draft will include the following elements.

Title Page

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Business Description

Business Objectives

Because the final draft must be at least 1,500 words long, your rough draft should be at least half that length or 750 words (longer is ok). For more information on the proper formatting of reports and proposals, see the Assignment Connection in the Week 6 Lesson.

You will be graded based on the rubric below.

Don't forget to submit your assignment.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Changing Gender Roles and Their Impact on the Modern Society
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Professor’s Name
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc74526705 \h 4The Changing Gender Roles and Their Impact on the Modern Society PAGEREF _Toc74526706 \h 5Introduction PAGEREF _Toc74526707 \h 5References PAGEREF _Toc74526708 \h 8
Executive Summary
This formal report focuses on the changing gender roles and their impact on modern society. The report seeks to address what gender role entails by providing a description of what gender role is all about. The report also addresses the different gender expectations that have emerged within the spheres of society. For instance, the traditional view of gender role expectations existed in the past decades, with some present cultures still advocating and following the traditional norms. The formal report also determines the kind of gender role changes that have existed and the implications that they bring about to society. For instance, women getting a higher education and being at the same level as men have changed the traditional view of gender roles by making men participate in childcare and household chores. These transitions have resulted in a significant threat to men's social dominance. The other aspect is that women also demand representation and no longer accept little pay than men since they performed the same task. This issue has made men lack their leadership roles within the spheres of society by allowing women to take charge of financial capabilities and make men participate in the household chores. Hence, all these implications have placed men under a significant threat that needs to be addressed since gender roles of men are pretty diminishing as women rise.
The Changing Gender Roles and Their Impact on the Modern Society
Gender roles are the roles that men and women are expected to inhabit based on their sex. Gender roles depend on the various assumptions that people, societies, and groups have of people dependent on their sex and dependent on every general public's beliefs and values about gender (Blackstone, 2021). Additionally, gender roles result from interactions among people and their surroundings, and they give people signs about what kind of conduct is acceptable to be suitable for what sex. Gender roles are perceived to be appropriate based on society's beliefs about sex differences.
Traditionally, it has been believed by numerous Western societies that the role of women is more nurturing than that of men. Hence, the traditional view about women's gender role advocated that women should handle themselves in the manners that are nurturing. Based on the traditional view, women were not allowed to take any employment job apart from full-time jobs in their homes. However, men were viewed as leaders, where men were prescrib...
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