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Career Focus Experience

Essay Instructions:

What Did You Learn?

This is a log of the steps you took to decide on and participate in the experience, including the logistics of setting it up, the dates and times in which you engaged in the experience, and how you were feeling. You will also briefly write about how what you learned will be included in your final Wicked Connection reflection. This log will not be shared with your peers.

"Nothing ever becomes real 'til it is experienced." ~John Keats


By choosing to complete the Career Focus experience to inform your future professional choices, there are specific steps you should include in this assignment:

- How and why did you choose this Career Focused experience?

- When did you complete your required documents and experiences? What feedback did you receive? What was this process like?

- Did you apply for any internship, jobs, or other experiences? What were your feelings about this process? What kinds of offers did you receive? Are you hoping to receive some in the future? Did any of this have to do with the amount of time you spent on preparation?

- Share some short summaries about the most useful experiences you engaged in, including the practice interview or "real" interviews.

- Use the end of your assignment as a space to share what you ended up experiencing, and to write about your final thoughts on the value of learning through experiences and professional interactions. What have you learned that you can take with you through your career?

- How will you integrate what you have learned into your final Wicked Connections entry?

This assignment is due by the end of the course. It should be completed before you submit your final project paper and presentation. Submitting this assignment is worth 10% of your course grade. Be sure to review the rubric below for evaluation details.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
1 How and why did you choose this Career-Focused experience?
Military service helped me form my observational and analytical skills about what is happening in the world that has been failed to be recognized by the civilian eyes. I chose this career-focused experience to analyze the world with a different perspective than my military times because I am afraid that I might be understanding it while blinded by one side.
2 When did you complete your required documents and experiences? What feedback did you receive? What was this process like?
I completed the required documents on [INSERT DATE]. The feedback process was meticulous, and most of the comments that I have received correspond to the formality of the structure of the sentences. Additionally, I was advised to elaborate on the experiences as much as I have elaborated on my achievements.
3 Did you apply for an internship, job, or other experiences? What were your feelings about this process? What kinds of offers did you receive? Are you hoping to receive some in the future? Did any of this have to do with the amount of time you spent on preparation?
I have not yet applied for anything. This process needs an excellent assessment of my current skills and talents because the internship or job must provide me with what I lack. I have received offers from small to large institutions, and the positions vary, but they are mostly related to my previous work. In the future, I am hoping to receive an offer that is similar to my previous field but with different perspectives. Of course, the different offers and my personal goals impacted the time I spent with the preparations.
4 Share some short summaries about the most valuable experiences you engaged in, including the practice interview or “real” interviews.<...
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