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The Characteristics of Extraordinary People. Social Sciences Essay

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The Characteristics of Extraordinary People
The Characteristics of Extraordinary People
I find extraordinary people to be the people who do the things that other normal people in the community find difficult to do. These people are characterized by characteristics such as persistence, hard work and utmost commitments in their work places and personal life. The extraordinary people also balance their different aspects of life such as physical aspect of life, where they practice regularly, spiritual dimension where they uphold God and religious teachings, and also their mental abilities where they learn progressively. To balance all the three elements which are physical, mental and spiritual dimension takes creation of time by the exceptional people minimizing sleep and other fun activities to prioritize what matters to them most. The essay discusses outlines five features that extraordinary people: portray (commitment, achievement of set goals, happiness seen through contented lives, courage and kindness).
Extraordinary people are committed to what they do. Engagement can happen through different ways, Example of ways include commitment, love and zeal for one’s work or personal commitment in a person’s marriage and family. Extraordinary people love their work, and they deliver more than they are paid. Extraordinary people can sacrifice some of their essential things such as regular hobbies or even sleep for them to lead successful lives. From the angle of commitment in marriage, most of the people in the current society keep on cheating on their partners. Only a few remain loyal despite the overwhelming temptations that might break up relationships and marriages. Extraordinary people are loyal, committed, and love their families and spouses where they control the temptations of cheating on their partners. Having consisted commitment in work and personal life makes one extraordinary.
The other trait about extraordinary people is the ability to meet the goals that they set. Some people in society fail to set goals or at times set goals, and they are unable to achieve most of the set goals. Although extraordinary can set goals and achieve these goals in the relative period that one sets these goals. One of the things that help extraordinary people to make their set goals is setting SMART goals. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable and Timely. Most of the goals set in these dimensions are often goals that one has checked and seen that ...
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