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Ethical Problems Depicted in Works of Art. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please do not use the outside resource!! and choose Buber with one other from Plato, Aristotle, or Rand)

Instructions: Respond to the prompt below in no more than 1500 words. Be sure to include an evaluative thesis and an argument supporting it. Any and all outside sources must be approved in advance by your TA. Final papers will be graded without comments. If you'd like feedback on your final paper, please contact both your TA and the instructor before the paper deadline to request comments.

Prompt: Analyze an ethical problem or concern depicted in a work of art* from the perspective of (i) Buber or Levinas’ dialogical ethics and (ii) one other view covered in class (Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Nietzsche, Rand, or Wright). Compare the two perspectives. [1500 word max]

*Note: Antigone is fair game! Additional examples of ethical problems and concerns depicted in works of art will be discussed in lecture, you may feel free to use any of them in your paper. You may also incorporate relevant portions of your other assignments (writing practices and papers) into this paper.

Formatting Recommendations: 12-point font in Times New Roman, double spaced, 1-inch margins, no bibliography/works cited (however, in-text citations for quotes and paraphrasing are required).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethical Problems Depicted in Works of Art
Institution Affiliation
Ethical Problems Depicted in Works of Art
Both Buber and Plato are revered philosophers whose conception of ethical doctrine endears them to influence the realization of morality. Ethics is the most accessible branch of philosophy because of its self evidence and truths regarding all human action. Notions created regarding nature largely determines the attainment of the kind of life, and purposes for individuals. In order to achieve set ends, factors such as social status, health and prosperity are important although human beings live implicitly based on established sets of values and standards which do not offer any object of reflection until challenged by a crisis. Many philosophical thinkers such as Socrates critique the naivety of set customs for moral values and virtues that characterize the social attitudes.
“I and Thou”
Buber’s philosophy in “I and Thou” refers to two modes through which human beings can engage the world. The first mode is I- Thou and the second one is I- It. The first mode is one for experience where we engage the world objectively rather than as partakers of it. According to him wee participate in information gathering through use of senses such that it can be utilized by reason. Intellectuality comes through experience. He claims that westernization must not be the only mode of engaging the world. The second mode which he calls the encounter mode is often ignored. In this mode the I – You creates relationships hence encounters that alter or transform the relationships between two parties. These two modes of existence determine our relationship with the world. “You” stands for relation in this context where reciprocity comes naturally, while the “It” refers to an object. Citing an example of a tree, he analyzes its colors and movement to interpret it in an object mode rather than a relational mode. His thoughts about how we relate with the world through cultural and biological developments invokes a picture of a whole or complete units through natural association rather than in single object forms which he terms a s discreteness. For example he uses child development from conception and fetus development in the womb as being in perfect reciprocity, but as soon as the child is thrust out of the womb, it begins to create new relationships.
Using concise prose in determining the direction of his argument, he directs that the two modes portend two perspectives or attitudes that are used to designate different approaches to the world. As a consequence of using these modes of existence, there must be a human subject before the object in relation to the world depending on how they intend to relate to the world. His theory leads to the social and political issues that are historical in nature, encompassing the whole human existence and history. He uses dialogues and short forms to answer hypothetical questions which lay the foundation for the form of reciprocity he is advocating for. Although dialogue cannot distinctly present itself in book form, he explores other writing styles to enable the reader to recognize the modes of encounter and experience which are vital elements for ...
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