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The Major Goal of the Researchers in the Study

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Part 1: Article summary
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1 (a) What is the major goal of the researchers in this study? (b)What gaps in the literature are they trying to fill? (c) Why is this research important?
In both studies: The major goal is to test whether making interviewees think about a time they were in power increases their chances of succeeding in an interview. The studies aim to explore the major effects that power has on people.The research is important since it explains the psychology required to handle interviews..In both studies: The major goal is to test whether making interviewees think about a time they were in power increases their chances of succeeding in an interview. The studies aim to explore the major effects that power has on people.The research is important since it explains the psychology required to handle interviews..
In Study 2: The second goal is to investigate the influence of power manipulation to an individual’s performance using written applications or face-to-face interviews.In Study 2: The second goal is to investigate the influence of power manipulation to an individual’s performance using written applications or face-to-face interviews.
2 What is the major argument (the theoretical rationale) for the hypotheses?
226060193040 The researchers argue that the mere action of people remembering their time in a position of power changed the overall perception that others had over them and equally changed the professional outcomes in the event of a job interview or an interview to gain admission into an academic institution. They argue this based on the fact that job applicants often feel powerless in an interview situation because their chances of getting the job is solely dependent on the interviewers. Priming power is therefore a way of increasing the sense of control, confidence and security within the applicants in a manner that can enable them to perform well.00 The researchers argue that the mere action of people remembering their time in a position of power changed the overall perception that others had over them and equally changed the professional outcomes in the event of a job interview or an interview to gain admission into an academic institution. They argue this based on the fact that job applicants often feel powerless in an interview situation because their chances of getting the job is solely dependent on the interviewers. Priming power is therefore a way of increasing the sense of control, confidence and security within the applicants in a manner that can enable them to perform well.
3 226060338455In both studies: Priming power directly increased the chances of success in a job interview.Priming power did not improve the chances of a positive outcome in an interview.00In both studies: Priming power directly increased the chances of success in a job interview.Priming power did not improve the chances of a positive outcome in an interview.2305051042035In study 2: Power manipulation increased the chances of acceptance for admission in business school. Power manipulation did not affect the chances of acceptance for admission in business school.00In study 2: Power manipulation increased the chances of acceptance for admission in business school. Power manipulation did not affect the chances of acceptance for admission in business school.What were the hypotheses?
4 What is the population the study is addressing? Please explain your answer.
230505222250The study addresses applicants in all spheres and especially those seeking chances in their various careers or admission to institutions. The researchers agree that the study is meant to give this population hope through increasing their confidence and chances of success.00The study addresses applicants in all spheres and especially those seeking chances in their various careers or admission to institutions. The researchers agree that the study is meant to give this population hope through increasing their confidence and chances of success.
5 What are the characteristics of the sample (sample size, gender, age)? How representative is the sample of the population?
229235768350Study 2: Fifty-five undergraduates of Fren...
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