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AMST. Killing Us Softly. Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

DF1: Killing Us Softly Due Thursday 3/14 @11:59 pm
Due: Mar 14, 2019 at 11:59 PMPlease contibute one post and one reply.
1. Please pick several aspects of" Killing Us Softly" and make thoughtful comments based on your own experiences and perceptions.
2. How do images of women and men in advertising shape your understanding of female/male gender roles, the idealization of beauty, your own perception of beauty, how you feel about yourselves. What sorts of messages do you feel are targeted to your demographic?
3. Please comment on aspects of gender, race/ethnicity, and age. Analyze and critique how the image of women ( and men) is used in advertising, the messages embedded in those images and how they shape our perceptions of ourselves and others.
Make sure you identify the specific form of media ( TV, film, print, internet), for example: Vogue magazine, Esquire magazine etc.,
Feel free to include any information you have encountered in this course, Mass Media & Society.

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Please pick several aspects of “Killing Us Softly” and make thoughtful comments based on your own experiences and perceptions.
Objectification and sexualization of women is still a major problem in society today. Women are still being cast as vulnerable and passive in advertisements, and this rhetoric is subtly but permanently being passed on from generation to generation.
Women appear to have become accustomed to being considered inferior to men to a point where they cannot support each other. A good example is Hillary Clinton’s run for the presidency. A 2018 Pew Research Center Study reports that Hillary Clinton got 45% of white women vote compared to 47% who voted for Donald Trump. While political polls may not be the best example here, the expectation would have been more women to vote for Hillary. So, while “Killing Us Softly” does present some facts regarding the treatment of women, it is crucial that women’s role in maintaining the status quo be revealed and discussed.
How do images of women and men in advertising shape your understanding of female/male gender roles, the idealization of beauty, your own perceptions of beauty, how you feel about yourselves. What sorts of messages do you feel are targeted to your demographic?
The images of women and men in advertising influence my understanding of gender roles by emphasizing the point that men have to be the lead characters. In everything, men have to take the first place and be the ones to carry the si...
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