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Telemedicine and Current Trend Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

1. Explain telemedicine, and describe how it is typically being used in either a rural or an urban setting at the present time. For the setting you chose, what are telemedicine's overall strengths? What are its overall weaknesses? Next, select an allied health profession and describe how telemedicine is now or could affect patient care in that field. In your responses to colleagues, select posts that discuss different settings and professions (if possible) and offer a fresh perspective or a novel approach as to how telemedicine could be more fully used.

2. Select a current or emerging trend in the delivery of health care or in professional practice from the allied health perspective in one of the following areas: (1) health care reform, (2) provider shortages, (3) practice trends, (4) leadership challenges, or (5) health IT. Provide a summary analysis of the trend, expected impacts on health care delivery or professional practice, and your assessment of the pros and cons.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Telemedicine and Current Trend
Institutional Affiliation
Telemedicine and Current Trend
In a nutshell, telemedicine is the use of telecommunication devices and services to offer clinical and medical care to patients remotely (Cruz-Cunha, Miranda, Martinho, & Rijo, 2016). At present, telemedicine is being used with great impact to provide care to patients in rural settings that find it difficult to travel long distances regularly in order to access care services. In this setting, telemedicine is greatly effective because it enables patients to receive check-ups and treatment without having to travel long distances (Cruz-Cunha et al., 2016). Similarly, it helps provide care for patients that have difficulty with movement. However, this approach can also prove to be a liability seeing as physicians can make misinformed diagnoses based on the provision of minimal information by patients (Cruz-Cunha et al., 2016). At the same time, poor connectivity can make it difficult to administer care to patients that are in need of it critically. One of the biggest impacts of telemedicine stands to be in the field of nursing. The provision of nursing services stands to benefit greatly from telemedicine seeing as many nursing services can easily be provided via phone or video calls. At the same time, an alli...
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