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The Utility Of Homeopathy In Treatment Proposal

Essay Instructions:

Proposal instructions: a) Your proposal should be 2-3 pages long, and composed using a formal, academic

voice. Its structure should be a problem statement. First-person perspective (“I” pronouns) are alright,

because they may be relevant if your research question is of significant, specific personal interest to you;

but even in this case, use of first-person should be limited. Do not write more than 3 lines about your life

experience. Place emphasis on the material, not the writer. The proposal should be organized into the

following sections: Background/Stasis, Destabilizing Condition, Questions, Stakes, Thesis/Solution(s). Each

of these should be around the length described in our class notes about Problem Statements.

b) Please also include a short paragraph at the end, explaining specifically how you hope to gather new data

on this topic yourself, using primary research methods (experiences in local community, interviews, etc).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Utility of Homeopathy in Treatment
The Utility of Homeopathy in Treatment
Descriptively, homeopathy practices stem from a medical system that has the belief that human bodies can help themselves from ill health conditions. The people that practice homeopathy makes use of small quantities of natural substances such as plant and mineral substances to stimulate the healing. Homeopathy began around the 1700s in European countries such as Germany although this practice is unpopular in America. The beliefs involved in Homeopathy trigger the human body to defend itself against the ill health conditions due to mental stimuli through the culture of strong beliefs. Homeopaths are the doctors involved in homeopathy treatment procedures, where enquire and collect data on emotional, psychotic and physical health. The information on these fronts helps homeopaths to prescribe and tailor treatment medications that would improve their respective patients. This topic is quite interesting and based on the aspect that homeopathy does not rely on tangible evidence such as scientific research. I felt obliged to knowing the operational basis of homeopathy.
There are several conditions that Homeopathy treats. Examples of these conditions include migraines, allergies, depression, toothaches, nausea, coughs, and Rheumatoid arthritis. However, it is also interesting that the people who believe in homeopathy need to avoid using homeopathy in emergencies and life-threatening conditions such as cancer, asthma and heart complications. This makes people who use homeopathy to appear as if they are double sided, as they might use scientific methods in emergencies, which might cause them to finally start using experiment...
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