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Explanatory Synthesis essay

Essay Instructions:

Explanatory Synthesis Essay Due: 11:59 PM EST Sunday The Explanatory Synthesis will require your new skills in summary and critique to choose your readings to incorporate into the essay and to form your own thesis. After reading through the pieces about Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants and how to write an Explanatory Synthesis, choose three or more of the required readings (listed below) to incorporate into your essay. The essay will be two to three pages in length and employ APA format. Follow these guidelines to write your Explanatory Synthesis:  The Explanatory Synthesis should be two to three pages in length and include at least three of the following articles: Page, K., & Mapstone, M. (2010). How does the web make youth feel? Exploring the positive digital native rhetoric. Journal Of Marketing Management, 26(13/14), 1345-1366. doi:10.1080/0267257X.2010.523709 •Myers, M. D., & Sundaram, D. (2012). Digital natives. University Of Auckland Business Review, 15(1), 28-37. •Houston, C. (2011). Digital books for digital natives. Children & Libraries: The Journal Of The Association For Library Service To Children, 9(3), 39-42. •Oriji, A., & Efebo, P. (2013). New technology, new methodology: The "digital natives" and "digital immigrants" debate. Journal Of Educational Review, 6(2), 237. •Askım K.A., Gunuc, S., & Ersoy, M. (2013). The current state of digitalization: Digital native, digital immigrant and digital settler. (English). Journal Of Faculty Of Educational Sciences, 46(1), 1. •Kuehn, L. (2012). No more "digital natives" and "digital immigrants". Our Schools / Our Selves, 21(2), 129. (This article offers a different perspective on choosing just one category  Include an APA title page  Include APA in-text citations wherever you reference the text.  Include a reference page in APA format.  Be objective and avoid using “I,” “you,” and “we.”

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Explanatory Synthesis Essay
Explanatory Synthesis Essay
Advances in technology and innovation have had major impacts on world societies of today as compared to those of earlier times. In the modern age, the development of the computer in particular has had tremendous influence on how people operate in different levels. This paper looks at the idea of ‘Digital Natives’ and ‘Digital Immigrants’ first proposed by Prensky in 2001 (Oriji & Efebo, 2013). This essay involves a synthesis of articles "Digital Books for Digital Natives" by Cynthia Houston (2011) and "New Technology, New Methodology: The Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants Debate" by Oriji Abraham and Efebo Prince Itonye (2013). Another article, "No More Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants" by Larry Kuehn (2012) forms the basis of counter argument respond.
1.0 Introduction (Thesis)
2.0 Origin of Computer technology and the Internet
3.0 Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Reference
It remains undeniable that emergent forms of computer technology affect forms of learning in a positive way. In their articles, Oriji & Efebo (2013) and Houston (2011) indicate that the current young learners form ‘Digital Natives’ while most (elderly) educators are ‘Digital Immigrants’. In other words these authors imply the group of people born after the inception of computer technology- after 1980 (Digital Natives) have witnessed the use of electronic computer gadgets all through their lives and that it has become part and parcel of their identity, creating a generational gap of technological knowhow between them and earlier generations (Digital Immigrants).
According to Houston (2011), this generation (Digital Natives) has known and been introduced to use of electronic gadgets as elements of socializing and learning as well and as such bear enhanced views on the significance of application of new technologies in almost all aspects of their lives, formal education included. Based on this, the author believ...
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