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Cultural Competence in Education

Essay Instructions:

Writing Assignment #2 will be a critical annotated bibliography of 12 sources.

You may choose any topic you would like

In this assignment you will write a list of at least 12 references in alphabetical order in APA format. In addition, each reference will be followed by a short analytical summary of 150-200 words. 

At the end of the short summary, you will include a sentence or two that critically analyzes the source and that mentions distinctive features about the article and why it may or may not be useful for you in writing a literature review.

You may select a topic of your choice. However, when selecting a topic, keep in mind that it should be a topic on which a number of studies or scholarly articles have been published. 

Examples of topics students have chosen in the past or that would be workable for this assignment are the following:

The impact of the Internet on research methods of students and plagiarism in student papers 

The impact of The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act on primary school education 

The impact of mobile devices on cybersecurity 

Overall, in considering a topic, you might consider your major, topics that will be covered in future classes you plan to take at UMUC, and your interests. 

For example, please examine the following ideas:

If your major is criminal justice, you might consider researching criminal behavior among homeless individuals, criminal behavior among youth, society’s perception of law enforcement, etc. 

If your major is psychology, you might consider researching counseling strategies, consumer behavior in online shopping, decision-making in upper-management positions, etc. 

If your major is history, you might consider researching theories on the Civil War, studies on labor patterns in the United States, an aspect of military history, etc. 

If your major is social science, you might consider researching community responses to health care threats, co-parenting patterns after divorce, etc. 

If your major is graphic communication, you might consider researching different categories of graphic communication technology, trends in graphic communication through the years, etc. 

Whatever topic you consider, keep in mind that it should be a topic on which a number of studies or scholarly articles have been published. You will conduct all or most of your research using UMUC’s OneSearch function in finding scholarly articles.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cultural Competence in Education
Natasha Sebastiani
Writing 391

Beuckelaer, A., Lievens, F., &B¨cker, J. (2012). The Role of Faculty Members' Cross-Cultural Competencies in Their Perceived Teaching Quality: Evidence from Culturally-Diverse Classes in Four European Countries. Journal of Higher Education, 83(2), 217-248.
In the article the authors discuss their examination of the cultural competency in higher education within Belgium, France, Germany and Netherlands. They evaluate the impact on the students with close reference to the students’ achievements.
Cooper, L., Vellurattil, R., &Quiñones-Boex, A. (2014). Pharmacy Students' Perceptions of Cultural Competence Encounters During Practice Experiences. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 78(2), 1-7.
In this article, the authors try to evaluate the perceptions of the pharmacy students on cultural competence training, experiences with other cultures and the perceived comfort levels. Students felt more comfortable in some cultural situations than in others.
Greenholtz, J. (2000). Assessing Cross-cultural Competence in Transnational Education: The Intercultural Development Inventory.Higher Education in Europe, 25(3), 411-416. doi:10.1080/03797720020016033.
This paper addresses the aspect of developing cross cultural competence in education programs with light of the changing landscape in multicultural classes.
Keengwe, J. (2010). Fostering Cross Cultural Competence in Preservice Teachers Through Multicultural Education Experiences. Early Childhood Education Journal, 38(3), 197-204. doi:10.1007/s10643-010-0401-5.
Keengwe, in this paper evaluates the ability of teachers to adapt to cross cultural composition of their classes. Keengwe confirms at the end of the research, that there is need for teachers to sharpen their cross cultural competence, by involving pre-service teachers and English language learners developing competence in schools.
Kratzke, C., &Bertolo, M. (2013).Enhancing Students' Cultural Competence Using Cross-Cultural Experiential Learning.Journal of Cultural Diversity, 20(3), 107-111.
In the paper Kratzke and Bertoloexplore the perceptions of graduate students in community health, with reference to cross cultural awareness. They identify that students need to be educated on cross cultural awareness to enhance their competence.
Lu, P., Tsai, J., & Tseng, S. (2014). Clinical teachers' perspectives on cultural competence in medical education.Medical Education, 48(2), 204-214. doi:10.1111/medu.12305.
The study tries to establish the clinical teachers’ attitudes towards cultural education, with reference to the curriculum designs.
Magnus, M. (2010).Teaching Cross-cultural Entrepreneurial Nutrition.Journal of Nutrition Education & Behavior, 42(4), 284-285. doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2010.01.006.
Magnus notes that cultural competence can be used to enhance the nutritional education. The report also mentions the fact that this approach will enhance students’ marketing skills.
Maloof, V., Rubin, D. L., & Miller, A. (2006). Cultural Competence and Identity in Cross-cultural Adaptation: The Role of a Vietnamese Heritage Language School. International Journ...
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