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Kierkegaard and Marx Theories on Existentialism Essay

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Kierkegaard and Marx Theories on Existentialism
Kierkegaard and Marx Theories on Existentialism
Soren Kierkegaard was a 19th-century Danish philosopher also known as the father of Existentialism. Existentialism is the belief that each person is responsible for finding their own life, are responsible for making their own choices, for themselves without any influence from external forces or standards of practice. It opposes the view that one's decision always is influenced by an outside force, from a morality point of view or a professed face, to make one conform to their standards in making any types of decisions. That any philosophical thinking begins with the human subject not merely the thinking subject, but the acting, feeling, living human individual. Kierkegaard made a proposition that each not society or religion—is solely responsible for giving meaning to life and living it with passion and a sincere or an authentic way.
Existential approaches have grown through Kierkegaard's studies and philosophical insights about life and has, in turn, inspired many writers and thinkers to deep themselves into this field of study (Kralik, 2015). Existentialism grew popular after World War Two and had been severally explored into different spectrums, including aesthetic and humanistic approaches by many philosophers, to what it is today. Kierkegaard, however, sees us as being self-alienated, that we all of the distance ourselves from our feelings or activities, that may lead to an occurrence in mental illness or emotional distress. This, according to Kierkegaard is a problem because it detaches us from our true selves. It was a deceptive form of human behaviour and relationship with the outside world. We are living according to set prisms and standards of outside influences, and the only way to overcome this is to educate ...
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