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Roles of Written Documents in the Pelourinho As Described In Revolt of the Saints

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Racial Identity in the Pelourinho
Racial Identity in the Pelourinho
Roles of Written Documents in the Pelourinho As Described In Revolt of the Saints
According to John Collins (2015) in his book Revolt of The Saints, written documents played a significant role in the Pelourinho. Such roles were vital towards achieving goals of great importance. One of the roles played by written documents as bought out in the Revolts of Saints is to help for future references. Witten documents have an advantage of keeping information safe and for a long time to be used when the need arises in future. This is because written documents do not lose information easily compared to oral pieces of information.
In the Pelourinho, the people of Brazil made good use of written documents to identify people who had benefited from indemnification processes. As a result, the records from written documents assisted the IPAC to identify and compensate those who had not received their indemnification (Collins, 2015). Besides, written documents also played a vital role in researching by the IPAC professors. The surveys conducted by IPAC and its scientists including undergraduate assistants to establish the actual number of indemnification beneficiaries were recorded in written documents. This was done so because the residents had violated moral rules by inflating the number of their relatives. The IPAC, therefore, saw it vital to record their findings to avoid such occurrences again.
The other role played by written documents in the Pelourinho involved acquisition of knowledge. People who wanted to acquire information for knowledge matters went through historical property and materials to access such information. Documents obtained from files and archives facilitated the acquisition of information. Such files contained accounts and ledgers. Those who acquired such information became powerful in the politically due to their ability to keep and contain huge secrets of the significant historical events that occurred in the past. For instance, Governor Antonio Carlos Magalhaes earned his vast power from manipulation of information and secrecy (Collins, 2015).
Knowledge acquired by going through documents became a crucial tool towards the acquisition of political power. People who gathered to seek information ended up coming together as political forces. This because during their research, they found time to bond together and identify with one another with similar ideologies. As a result, they formed political forces that changed the entire Pelourinho.
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