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Neoliberalism Concept and Aesthetic Phenomenon

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Requirements are in the file, and also the resources are in the file. Just take part of them and talk some opinion from you. Do the cited please! thank you. any question just let me know. ''revolt of the saints'' just need to read chapter 1 and 4.

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Neoliberalism and Aesthetic
The concept of neoliberalism has been popular among various anthropological scholars over the last decade. The increased popularity of the concept has raised different reactions where some agree on the same aspect, and there are others who criticize the concept's developed aspects. As we continue to develop other aspects of our lives in the globalization era, anthropologist also continues to invoke the neoliberalism concept. This concept can be a cultural structure, an overarching economic or economic policy; also, it can be inclined to entrepreneurship, responsibility and self-improvement, particular attitude and competition. In general, the diverse use of the term is based on the reflection of linking large-scale political and economic formations to social actions, cultural phenomena and political formations of social actions which are observed in the course of the ethnographic research. Neoliberalism can be viewed in several ways. One way of conceptualizing neoliberalism is through putting it as a particular set of ideas on the economic policy. The notion is that the markets are the best avenues of distributing services and goods in the economy. However, these markets work best when the government is not intervening with them. The government should be protecting the individuals interacting in these markets and private properties.
Neoliberalism has gained a tone of critiques over the years; some say it is a victim of its success and hence the different probes of it meaning and usage. Some question if the phenomenon is responsible for the radical paradigmatic departure. Lately, scholars are concerned if neoliberalism is the technocratic fetishization of the market or is it the depoliticized of the same. Because of the above and other ambiguity, literature has found another controversial, crisis-ridden term and incoherent subject. The meaning of the term tends to be altered paper after paper. That in some aspects what it means and stands for is a bit confusing. There are underspecification and a perplexing mix of overreach.
According to Porters and Hoffman (2003), the Latin American countries can be used to explain neoliberalism feasibly. They observe that Latin America has in the last decade of the 20th century experienced great change. Most of these changes came after the country abandoned the autonomous industrialization and went for their own modified model that was open for global commerce and open competition. According to the researchers, neoliberalism was an actual throwback where Latin America region used to be part of the world economy by differential advantages accrued by them as producers of primary goods when they were importing technology and manufactured goods from the already developed countries.
In Latin American, societies are a perfect example of explaining the concept even though not satisfying the concept, as the long-term social patterns of stratification have not been fully studied. These societies seem to have not stayed impervious to the trending changes that occurred in the global trade and their productive organizations. Several researchers and international bodies have made efforts to track the journey of inequality and poverty in the Latin American region based on class perspectives. In these societies, the advanced countries the dominant social class is defined and controlled by the power-conferring resources in the capitalist market.
The neoliberal model promoted the Latin American region to become a place of refuge for salaried professionals, public servants and skilled workers who become displaced by this model (Klaufus, 2006). This greatly affected the economy whereby the middle class which was made by the public sector declined significantly. The displaced formal employees ended up creating their petty enterprises. Latin American holds the highest degree of unequal distribution of income and wealth in the world. This inequality did soar during the neoliberal experiment.
The main objective of the Jamaica letter by Bolivar (1977) was to show the features that ought to have the international order subsequently after the fall of the Spanish Empire. Bolivar tries to explain the failure of the 1st regime after independence reflecting on the American order. Bolivar seems to borrow his idea from making a qualitative leap forward in respect to ideas borrowed. Looking at the work of Arlene Davila the researcher looks at the consumption and culture based on neoliberalism. According to Davila (2012) in contemporary cities, no policy or project is developed without cultural component as culture plays a huge role in urban development. However, the rise of neoliberal where there was privatized government reforms has been one of the key reasons behind the disparities and struggles over cultural equity throughout the Latin American cities and the United States. It is uncontested that neoliberalism is furnished with characters of worldview and policies that promote privatization and state deregulation of services and at the same time fostering entrepreneurship, free-market approaches, individualism, and market logics strategies in the pretext of a more better and efficient government. The developed strategies have reorganized the economy of these societies that privatization has been promoted opening up field for the accumulation of capital that once would have been considered unattainable for example natural resources, education, sexuality, health, and cultural identities. The rise social democratic discourses can arise from neoliberalism. A good example is a Latin American region where neoliberal economic policies have been accompanied by new forms of ethnic politics and also the development of political and public life which were formerly marginalized political actors, for example, the indigenous communities that were facilitated by the work of the nongovernmental organization and the private entities investments.
The aesthetic phenomenon was used to describe art as a practice since the 1960s; however, this has changed since then. In this regard, one needs to look at truism the point that of a Univers...
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