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Violence Directed At Indigenous Women in Canada in Finding Dawn Film

Essay Instructions:

ANSWER THESE TWO QUESTIONS, 225 WORDS PER ANSWER OF ONLY CONTENT (do not include the question in the word count). MUST BE DONE IN A WELL ORGANIZED FASHION, IN TEXT CITATION NOT NECESSARY BUT PLEASE DO NOT USE PERSONAL OPINIONS. list sources on a separate page as they must be scholarly

1. As seen in the film, Finding Dawn (NFB, 2006), there is a strong connection between the colonialist relation of Canadian governments and First Nations people and the high levels of violence directed at Indigenous women in this country. Drawing on the film and relevant readings, discuss the ways this connection has played out. In your answer, consider the different types or levels of violence that have manifested and the ways they may reinforce each other.

2. Some feminists argue that mainstream models of economic growth and development are based on a narrow and distorted value system that cannot “see,” let alone value, the productive and reproductive work which is carried out for the most part by women. What are some of the effects of this value system?

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Violence Directed At Indigenous Women in Canada in Finding Dawn Film
The film Finding Dawn has shocking revelations about high levels of violence targeting women in Canada. The further film detail that such atrocities experienced by indigenous women were products of relations of Canadian government and colonialists. Finding Dawn film reveals devastating loss of up to 550 Canadian women. Most of the women who lost their lives were poor natives besides those who went missing. Finding dawn is a real story that depicts suffering due to relations between colonialism and the government of Canada. This paper will examine and focus on various instances where the film Finding Dawn highlights the connection between the Canadian government and colonialists played out to expose women to violence against women.
One of the incidences in which colonialism corporation with Canada government brought miseries to the indigenous women in Canada is the establishment of capitalists' free market. Colonial capitalists built the market based on discriminatory politics. The construction of the church was based on patriarchy and the Christian church. As a result, women were subjected to suffering and discrimination because the rules did not allow them to access such markets.
The Canadian government in collaboration with colonial media believed that an average Canadian did not have comprehensive analytic skills to understand their atrocities. As a result, the two collaborated to use a serial killer, Robert Picton, to execute serial killings against more than 62 women. However, many questions remained unanswered in the minds of people especially concerning deaths of remaining over 400 women who were reported missing after reports indicated that Picton killed only 62 of them. The film paints a bad image on the government and colonialists to be responsible for the deaths. It was deplorable to see native women of Canada face oppression and genocide.
Effects of Value-Based Models of Economic G...
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