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Evolutionary Game Theory

Essay Instructions:

Scientific theories are supposed to produce testable predictions, so that we can generate evidence for or against the theory. Evolutionary psychology, which attempts to study human psychology from an evolutionary perspective (for example, to explain differences between the sexes as adaptations to some prehistoric environment), is sometimes accused of not producing such predictions. Instead, some claim, it sometimes tells "Just So stories" that "explain" things without being capable of being proved false. Does evolutionary game theory do this? What predictions does it make? How would we be able to tell whether the theory actually has predictive power?

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Evolutionary Psychology
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Evolutionary Psychology
Evolutionary game theory does produce testable predictions. This is because the foundations of evolutionary psychology are all based on a strong theory. Darwin’s theory of evolution was originally not testable. However, it was a concept aimed at answering one of the two main questions that plague humanity. As evolutionary psychology advances, it becomes even easier to make any testable predictions because all the current information is based on certain theoretical assumptions. Still, for the theory to draw testable predictions, it would need to be testable itself.
Over the years, evolutionary game theory has been challenged because it is not testable. However, some of the testable predictions it has...
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