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BEH 456. Team evaluation. Evaluation of Each Team Member

Essay Instructions:

Team Contract
Team Name: Parental Leave Project
Team Members and Corresponding Team Roles: o Sumayah Fadil – Project Coordinator  
o Nathan Doyle – Director of Public Relations
o Madison McCrorey – Director of Library Research
o TianYi Mei – Director of Research Design 
I. TRANSITION PROCESSES Our team has established the following policies and procedures for each 
transition process.Mission Analysis, Formulation, and Planning As a team we will go over our goals and figure out a plan to accomplish them. We will delegate different tasks to group members and break down the work equally to reach the goal. We will follow through with the course of action to produce quality work. Goal Specification Team members’ actions and tasks should be evaluated, and incorrectly executed tasks should be addressed. 
The order of task completion should be coordinated, and tasks should be coordinated to match individual members according to their resources and skillsets.Strategy Formulation Always communicate and make sure everyone is on the same page before starting.
II. ACTION PROCESSES Our team has established the following policies and procedures for each 
action process.
Monitoring Progress Toward Goals As a team we will reference back to previous assignments and conversations to know our progress. We will assess work, positively give feedback, and support team members. 
Systems Monitoring Internal and external environments that affect the goals of the team should be accounted for while implementing the team’s goals.  
Team Monitoring and Backup Behavior Throughout the semester we will have time to check in on each other, either in one of our meetings or within the group chat.
Coordination A group chat was setup where we send each other our availability and check in with how everyone's schedules are going.II. INTERPERSONAL PROCESSES Our team has established the following policies and procedures for each interpersonal process.
Conflict Management We will manage conflicts in a respectful way and use them to grow as a group. We will listen to other members to understand their perspective. We will also explain our viewpoint in a non-attacking way. As a group we will come to an agreement on the course of action. Motivation and Confidence Building We will communicate our own shortcomings and will provide each other the support to move towards completing our team’s goals.  
Affect Management Everyone will try to work together and if a conversation or meeting becomes even a little bit debated, we can work together in recognizing our emotions, taking a step back, and taking a deep breath.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

BEH 456
Our team is named the “Parental Leave Project.” This team comprises four members, namely Sumayah Fadil, the project coordinator, Nathan Doyle, the director of public relations, Madison McCrorey, the director of library research, and I, TianYi Mei, the director of research design. Our team’s primary problem is overall poor time management. Other minor issues within the group include contradicting but strong opinions of each member and sometimes, the lack of good communication. Due to these, our group continued to struggle with the interpersonal process.
Evaluation of Each Team Member
Sumayah. The team member’s most significant improvement is on time management, where she used an application that has a checklist to monitor the tasks that need to be done and mark the accomplished tasks. The member also timed herself when doing a task to delegate her remaining time to other tasks that are not related to the project. The member remained to have difficulty in communication skills. For instance, she cannot express herself even when she has an excellent idea or knows that she is correct. Often, she tends to keep these ideas to herself unless she will be forced to speak by the other suitable members. I shall give this member a grade of 90/100 percent for the semester because she has tried to exceed the professor and her expectations toward the end of the sem.
Nathan. The team member’s most significant improvement was his listening skills. Initially, because he was in public relations, he was outstanding in speaking. However, he usually fails to listen to suggestions because he likes to be heard...
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