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Should everyone under the age of 17 have a 9PM curfew?

Essay Instructions:

Opinion Essay!!!!

Intruduction+3 body paragraphs in all +conclution

checklist is very important!

3 pieces of evidence /3 explanations in each paragraph!

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Should everyone under the Age of 17 have a 9 PM Curfew?
Should everyone under the Age of 17 have a 9 PM Curfew?
Everyone under the age of 17 is considered a minor in most countries around the world and thus a shared responsibility between the parents and the government to protect their well-being. Like the adults, teenagers aged 17 years and below also have the rights and liberties enshrined under the bill of rights which should be exercised without any infringement. However, the fact that they are minors demands that they are guided to make sound decisions and good or better choices in life. In the effort to protect the future of the young individual, restrictive measures such as curfews are often implemented by both the guardians and the authorities to curtail the youths from falling prey to unacceptable or disorderly social behaviors. However, the 9 pm curfew on everyone under the age of 17 is inefficient in its protective endeavor, infringes on individual liberties, and a cause for rebellion, and thus should not be imposed.
Among the arguments made for imposing the 9 pm curfew for those under 17 years is preventing their involvement in criminal activities. Proponents for this argument are of the thought that the risk of teenagers engaging in disorderly behaviors or criminal activities is higher past the curfew time. However, this may not be true as teenagers can be recruited into teenage gangs even during the day and thus imposing a curfew may not be the best course of action. Instead, parents and guardians sho...
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