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Community engagement. Literature & Language Essay.

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write an community engagement about music(piano). The requirement already uploaded.

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Community Engagement
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 Community engagement
Music is one of the elements that have been appreciated in the society for a long time. There are many ways in which the society can benefit from music since it is widely popular in many sectors such as entertainment, religion and even taught as a subject (North, Hargreaves & O'Neill, 2008). Musical instruments, especially piano are one of the unique instruments used in the society to serve many purposes. This project focuses on the use piano as a part of community engagement that will unite the entire community from churches, schools, including universities and high school. Participants involved in the project will be young people who will be provided with various opportunities to showcase their talents (Petress, 2005).
Developing music in the society is one of the most significant ideas that focus on helping many. Music, more so the piano music can be used to create emotional peace and stability among the people. This helps someone emotionally in ways such as making them happier, reduces depression and elevates people's moods. Music can also create an impact on the society as it can be used to worship in the churches. It is always a routine in the church that people sing at one point to praise God. Songs are used widely in praising God; hence musical elements such as pianos are used broadly to make the church lively. However, the piano can also be used as a tool that brings people together within the community .  
Although music is an important element used for various purposes, piano music also can help in developing talents more so among children who can be attracted to the piano and start learning piano lessons. This would also prevent these children from being exposed to dangerous elements of the society such as drugs which result from idleness. Parents should encourage and support their children in developing talents by attending the piano lessons which could be of great importance to them. Piano music can also be used to produce kinds of music for entertainment and worship in the society. Although many people do not recognize the importance of music in development, the use of the piano as an element of production can help in engaging the community, giving them a sense of belonging. Piano lessons can be an effective way of nurturing and developing more talents within the community. By initiating music programs where young people will be taught piano at an early age, can help young people build their music careers as early as possible. Engaging young people in music will change the lives more so of teenagers who might be idling or might be eagerly waiting for the chances to express their talents and capabilities in music. Music could also be used to bring the society together in forums and crusades, where some issues affecting the community could be discussed such as drug abuse and to preach good deeds to the society members. Hence piano program can be a good strategy to develop talents among students in the universities and high school. 
The project of music in the society is one which does not need a lot of resources to be implemented successfully. However, there are some parties whose involvement would bring success to the project and help maintain its existence. One of the primary stakeholders is the church who will be able to bring together the teens and youths who could benefit from the piano lessons and develop their channels. Sponsor companies could also be a part of the stakeholders where they will help in raising funds to purchase the necessary equipments to faciliate in the project. 
The parents within the community need to be a part of the stakeholders and actively involved in initiating this project.Parents could contribute funds to develop the teenager's project of l...
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