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The Dangers of Too Much Reliance on Technology and the Reflection in Television

Essay Instructions:

Hi, I wrote about 2-3 pages of the paper and I'm wondering if you can help me finish it.

Here are some suggestions from my instructor about my paper draft:

First, you need to make your argument more specific. You are basically stating a fact, not really providing a critical argument in your thesis statement. Please see my comment on the paper for suggestions on your introduction and thesis.

Second, the information about Nosedive could be greatly expanded - you do a lot of summary but not a lot of analysis about the actual harms of technology. You can go into a lot more detail about some of the ideas there.

Third, it seems like you are taking on far too much in your paper - after you are finished talking about Nosedive, your draft becomes unclear and does not really serve to support your main idea. There is so much that you could unpack in Black Mirror that I know it can be hard to narrow it down, but you need to focus your ideas and provide more analysis instead of summarizing random (unnamed) episodes. Definitely keep the information about Nosedive, but perhaps eliminate the other episodes and just focus your analysis on the one episode. With a well explained and thorough analysis, I'm sure you will be able to have enough content to meet the page requirements for the paper just by analyzing the single episode.

Fourth, make sure that you are using correct in-text citations and a proper references page in your final paper, and don't forget to include at least one scholarly source outside of class materials in your research. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Dangers of Too Much Reliance on Technology and the Reflection in Television
The Dangers of Too Much Reliance on Technology and the Reflection in Television
Technology has slowly taken over our lives over the last two decades. People work, play and even raise their children as per the new ways made available by technology. People’s tech-dependent lifestyles have caused inevitable changes in both professional and private sides, such as the use of emails, online chatting, messaging, and online collaborations. While all the above seem to positively impact life, there is another side of technology which seems to be gradually eroding the people’s minds, privacy, and thoughts. Different aspects of life today seem to be heavily impacted by technology, and it is essential to admit that technology is a double-edged sword. However, people are still not convinced of the evils or dangers of technology, but through television programs, some directors are trying to communicate with their audiences. For example, a television program like Black Mirror is one that goes to deeper lengths to expose some of the dangers of technology. This program helps to reveal some of the evils and dangers of technology which should not be ignored in the society today. While it is indeed true that technology has helped to propel today’s society forward, it is crucial to acknowledge and take action on the negative aspects of technology as well. The program reveals issues such as erosion and loss of friendships, erosion of the spirit of humanity, and the use of technology as a tool to pass judgment on others. From the above, it is indeed clear that technology is stealing man’s quest for social cohesion, is promoting self-centeredness, and a lack of concern for the fellow man and this form the gist of this article.
Today there is less physical interactions between friends, family members and even in the society. The time people spend talking over the dinner table or the coffee shop has been replaced by people with headphones and laptops interacting on the cyber space oblivious of the more important face to face communication they could be having. This phenomenon has broken relationships, families and other social groups which are important in the society. The later generations are increasingly becoming miserable and more likely to become depressed due to issues stemming either directly or indirectly from technology. Studies have shown the importance of physical interactions and shared the probable impact of neglecting this form of communication.
Many people get used to working with virtual teams nowadays, by using messaging, emails, video calls, and some other online collaborations. Online interactions lead to what Froding and Peterson (2012) refer to as virtual friendships. The researchers continue to explain that these types of friendships are those “that exist on the internet, and seldom or never is combined with real-life interaction.” Real-life or face-to-face interactions are important in life, but technology is gradually eroding this culture by making these interactions seem burdensome. In the television show Black Mirror and an episode in the third series known as Nosedive, people work with visual techniques and use a rating system to evaluate if one thing is good or bad. In the world depicted there, special chips are inserted in people’s eyes which aids in viewing the ratings in the visual fields in real time. The people’s smartphones are equipped with a scoring system that can evaluate other people’s behavior or post from one to five stars. It means that one can score from activities like sharing photos of friends or even greeting strangers. The ratings are from 4 (highly respected), 3 (the common people), 2 (the despised), and 1 (lowly people). One thing that becomes obvious and is evident in the Nosedive episode is that the opinions of evaluations cause or often lead to invisible violence/harm. The rating a person is given either condemns him/her or uplifts him to the status of the society’s nobility. However, invisible harm comes in where a person is judged harshly even though their action was good or their intentions were good. Such a person will be condemned to the lower groups, and some will aptly respond in their anger which can be equated to invisible violence. The above scenario can be likened to people’s fascination with the like or comment functionality on social media. On social media, people say a lot of...
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