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Ethos, Logos, and Pathos

Essay Instructions:

The focus of our discussion this week is the rhetorical appeals, logos, ethos, and pathos.

Oftentimes, I think textbooks make definitions way more complicated than they need to be. Let me clarify the above terms for everyone. When we talk about logos, ethos, and pathos, we are talking about HOW an author is trying to persuade their audience.

Logos-How an author uses logic to appeal to the audience

Ethos-The credibility an author has and uses to appeal to the audience

Pathos-How an author tries to appeal to the audience's emotions

If you really think about it, we often use these things in everyday life, whether we are dealing with our significant others, our children, our bosses, etc. For our Discussion Spark question, I would like you to think about a recent conversation you have had where you utilized the rhetorical appeals (logos, ethos, and pathos). Talk about this conversation and explain how you used these appeals. Then, explain whether or not you were effective in using these appeals. 


•**** full book is found online The Longman Writer: Rhetoric, Reader, Research Guide, and Handbook. ◦Chapter 14 selection, "Cyberschool" by Clifford Stoll (pp. 282–284) ◦Chapter 18, "Argumentation-Persuasion" (pp. 398–420 only): How does the type of audience influence the kinds of persuasive techniques an author uses in an essay? ◦Chapter 18 selection, "In Praise of the 'F' Word" by Mary Sherry (pp. 438–439) ◦Chapter 20, "Writing the Research Paper" (pp. 523–544, 570–572 only): How does citing outside sources help increase the effectiveness of an author's persuasive arguments? •Read the Discussion Spark topic/question or comment posted by your Instructor in the Discussion Thread on Day 1. Think about how ethos, pathos, and logos are defined in a writing context. Consider how understanding ethos, pathos, and logos affects how you prepare for writing your assignments. Choose one author (Stoll or Sherry) from the selected readings in The Longman Writer to write about for this Discussion assignment. Consider the author's credibility, use of emotional appeal, and use of logic. How did he or she make use of ethos, pathos, and logos? With these thoughts in mind: 1- to 2-paragraph response to the Discussion Spark That is listed above. 1- to 2-paragraph summary of your analysis explaining the ethos, pathos, and logos of your chosen author. Use the beginning of Chapter 18 in The Longman Writer as a point of reference for your analysis. Cite at least one example from the readings in The Longman Writer to support your answer.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethos, Logos, and Pathos
Student’s Name
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Response to the discussion Spark
Ethos, pathos, and logos are defined in the writing context in various dimensions with respect to the subject matter. Ethos normally refers to an appeal to the ethics where the writer has to convince the audience about his character or credibility to pass on the intended message. According to Adams (2010), a writer’s ethos is obviously created by the word choice and style. The writers chose words and style that suits that suits the requirements of their audiences.
Logos are defined in a writing context as the deliberate measures taken by the writer to ensure that the audience is persuaded and convinced to agrees to various assumptions as being true to help them in taking the appropriate actions. The writer tries to impose some rationality on the audience by convincing them to take a certain stand when it comes to solutions to various issues. Adams (2010) observes that Pathos is meant to trigger emotions of the audience in line with the topic being covered by the writer. The emotions lead them to agreeing to a certain concept.
I recently had a thorough chat with a local politician whom I was trying to convince to support a parliamentary candidate from our region. I cited issues like bias from the ruling government, neglect, and regionalism. I found that the conversation to be based on the use of rhetorical appeals. I based my argument on the views of Adams (2010) who claims that understanding ethos, logos, and pathos helps first of all in the determination of the character of the author. Before the assignments, I have to asses if I have an intellectual or academic capability to undertake that activity and also figure out how the teacher/audience will perceive my work. The second thing that I consider is the logos where I have to ensure that I strongly appeal to logic. Here, I have to persuade the teacher that I have enough reasons to warrant the marks assigned for such an assignment. The third consideration is to ensure that I use the pathos to facilitate the appeal to emotion. I will analyze the subject matter clearly to ensure that...
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