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Environmental Concerns in "Ceremony" and "The Old Man and the Sea"

Essay Instructions:

In a essay of approximately 1500 words, answer one of the following questions by carefully reading the ritual and/or the old man and the sea:

1. What is meant by "ritual" in Silco? Is it effective in responding to disasters-why or why not?
2. What is the symbolic meaning of fish in Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea"? What does San Diego's struggle with that symbol indicate?
3. In one or both of "The Ceremony" and "The Old Man and the Sea", how do the characters relate to the environment? What does this relationship mean for nursing?
4. What are the main organizational values โ€‹โ€‹of the ceremony or the old man and the sea? Where do you think this value appears, and what does its centrality mean?
5. Choose a "side" character (essentially, not Tayo or Santiago) and check their role in the text. What is their main motivation? What is their main influence? It can be said, why are they left on the edge?

I will post the style of the article I wrote before. The analysis frame and the tone of writing are just as good as my previous article, 11.8, 1-2 pm EDT

There are two books that need to be analyzed: Ceremony and The Old Man and the Sea, which need to be analyzed together with Combine. The specific information is as follows:

Summary of the ceremony: https://www(dot)sparknotes(dot)com/lit/ceremony/


The summary of the old man and the sea: https://www(dot)sparknotes(dot)com/lit/oldman/summary/

According to the analysis of the text content, I will upload the Ceremony and Old Man and the Sea e-books later. I need to quote specific sentences from the books for evidence analysis.

every body paragraph needs quotes and quotes need be specified from the book that I upload already(etext book pdf), if quote, then follow a analysis for each quote. And also quotes in each paragraph needs to support the body paragraph's claim, thanks

also the formate needs to be MLA formate, thanks!

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Ceremony/The Old Man and the Sea
QN. In either or both Ceremony and The Old Man and the Sea, how do characters relate to the environment? What does this relationship indicate about care?
In these two stories, the environment is a crucial factor. The first claim to this essay is on the settings of both stories; that they both revolve around the environment and environmental issues. The setting itself of the Old Man and the Sea is on the sea, which is abundant in nature. The entire environment surrounding Santiago seems to be in perfect unison throughout the text. One particular environment concern here is how humans have become brutal murderers of the environment. ‘But it is good that we do not have to kill the sun or the moon or the stars’ (Hemingway 36). People have also become brutal murderers of the environment in the Ceremony. The setting of the story is encompassed around an endless six-year drought and how they try and tackle the situation and eradicate the drought. This text depicts a lot of warnings about the constant exploitation of the environment by society (Dhanashri 63). The text has a very opposing view to the customarily recognized view of capitalism towards the environment as solely a source of natural resources to be converted to finished goods sold in the commercial market.
The second claim shows the outward concern for the environment by particular individuals in both stories. Santiago in the Old Man and the Sea is quite friendly with the living organisms, like when a bird is not afraid of him and approaches him. ‘Stay at my house if you like, bird’ (Hemingway 31). Santiago tries to converse with the bird as he would to a similar human being. This pity for the bird raises the view of the animals as organisms pushing through suffering, just like the old man. The old man also has a massive concern for turtles. He pities them as they are butchered mercilessly by other fishermen. ‘He was sorry for them all even the great trunk backs that were as long as the skiff and weighed a ton’ (Hemingway 17). The old man showed empathy for these creatures as he witnessed their hearts continue to beat even hours after being slaughtered. He could envision his heart could beat similarly. Tayo, in the Ceremony, blames himself for the consequences of the environmental drought. He also has a deep care for the environment. He sees this as possible by his action of cursing the rain at the time he was still serving in the war. ‘It was all superstition, believing that the rain had stopped coming because he had cursed it’ (Silko 166). This was common of how the native Indians perceived the changes to the environment. The native culture views the environmental changes as consequences of forgetting the equivalent value of nature to human beings. This is a high value of the environment by the Indians. The white people's disregard for the environment thus translated to the ongoing drought in the area.
The third claim is about the effects of the environment to the lives of the characters in the two stories. The old man in the Old Man and the sea highly values the sea. The sea is his means of livelihood hence does provide for the old man. ‘It must be very strange in an airplane, he thought, I wonder what the sea looks like from that height?’ (Hemingway 34). The sea is not always peaceful, though, as there can be dangerous tides for the fishermen's boats. The sea is quiet and calm, then the next, it becomes a nightmare to sail through. The sea is sometimes very unforgiving has the old man even goes for eighty-four days without having any catch to show for it. Other anglers are lucky enough to catch fish. Due to the age of Santiago, he can be viewed as an experienced fisherman, so it just translates to being unlucky. This shows that the old man is at the mercy of the sea, which is his environment. Tayo, in the Ceremony, is responsible for Josiah's cattle. The cattle need pasture, but it becomes a challenging task to accomplish due to the constant drought. 'If it is going to be a drought these next few years, then we need some special breed of cattle' (Silko 73). The once flourishing land with ample rainfall is dry all through. Tayo and his fellow Native Indians are at the mercy of the environment.
The fourth claim of this essay is about how characters in both texts do not deserve the fruits of the environment. Santiago in the Old Man and the Sea experienced deep compassion, admiration, and a sense of respect for the Marlin he caught. The fish was mighty to pull the boat in a direction against the current for the entire time. The old man sees the battle as an equal playing field with a worthy opponent with the impression that he sees himself as just another creature in nature.’ Fish, he said, I love you and respect you very much, but I w...
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