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Enhanced Synthesis Paper Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Synthesis is the act of creating something new from multiple existing entities. Synthesis of research, then, is creating a new idea from existing ideas. Synthesis of research is not a single innate skill. Rather, it is a process learned through time and practice. At the doctoral level, writing is a continual process of revision as learners improve skills and build subject matter expertise.

In Topic 5, you submitted a Synthesis Paper and received both feedback from your instructor and a grade for your work. In this assignment, you will expand upon your original paper with additional research from outside sources, incorporate feedback from your instructor, and provide a reflection section addressing your revision process.

General Requirements:

Locate the Synthesis Paper you completed in Topic 5.

Locate and download "Enhanced Synthesis Paper Template" from the Course Materials for this topic.

Locate and download "Enhanced Synthesis Paper Resources" from the Course Materials for this topic.

Review the articles by Baker and Pifer (2011), Gardner (2009), and Smith and Hatmaker (2014) located in the Course Materials for this topic.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. Review the GCU APA Style Guide for Writing located in the Student Success Center.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


Select and read two articles from the Enhanced Synthesis Paper Resources list located in the Course Materials for this topic.

Locate the Synthesis Paper you completed in Topic 5. Using the feedback provided by your instructor and information from the two additional articles you selected, write an Enhanced Synthesis Paper with Reflection (1,250-1,800 words). Include the following in your paper:

A Reflection (250-300 words) that discusses your revision process and how you incorporated your instructor's feedback into the revised version. Similar to the format of an abstract, this section will receive its own page following the title page and preceding the Introduction.

An introduction that includes a brief description of each article and its purpose, identifies the three themes that emerged from your reading, describes how they will be discussed in the paper, and presents a clear thesis statement.

Support for your identified themes with evidence from each article. Provide analysis of these findings to strengthen your narrative.

A discussion of the conclusions that can be drawn when the articles are taken together as a single entity. What is the overall message of the group of articles?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Enhanced Synthesis Paper
Enhanced Synthesis Paper
The reflection provides an outline of the revision process and the incorporation of feedback from the instructor. The process of revision comprised of re-reading the original paper on synthesis, and identification of main ideas discussed in the article. The synthesis paper focused on the discussion of three ideas, which formed the contextual basis of the paper. Further analysis into the nature of the three ideas resulted in uncovering arguments, which provided a basis for the narrative of the propositions. Part of the analysis leads to the identification of gaps for further improvement and understanding of the information explained. The outcome of the endeavor was the identification of suitable articles, which focused on arguments that were similar to and complemented the main ideas the article focused on. Also, the new material uncovered catered for the recommendations the instructor provided. The discussion in the paper focuses on each theme identified in the synthesis paper and illustrates the relationship that exists between the latter information, and the complementary information. The paper also provides insight into the utility of additional information about the thesis of the enhanced paper on the synthesis. Part of the information includes justification of previously identified factors, or aspects of the factors, which contribute to understanding the dynamics involved in the process of synthesis. The final endeavor of the paper is to address the gaps identified in the paper on the synthesis. The additional resources incorporated into the paper seek to provide answers to the questions existing gaps arose. The steps undertaken cater for the provisions the instructor proposed. All the information covered in the enhanced paper on synthesis provides justification of the main idea the paper proposes.
The segment focuses on a reflection of the review of articles, which contribute to understanding the ideas discussed in the paper. The first article is ‘Knowing, Doing, and Becoming: Professional Identity Construction Among Public Affairs Doctoral Students by Smith and Hatmaker, 2014’. The paper provides a report on the examination of the process involved in training doctoral students, who deal with public affairs, on how to become researchers. Part of the information focuses on a multi-level model of tactics applicable in individual, relational, and organizational levels. The tactics are what create the capacity to become a researcher. The article provides the first theme of the individual effort of a scholar, which elaborates on the use of the proposed model for the accomplishment of the goal to become a researcher. The second paper of interest is ‘Conceptualizing Success in Doctoral Education: Perspectives of Faculty in Seven Disciplines by Gardner, 2009’. Gardner focuses on the propositions on how to succeed. The subject matter includes the most suitable practices for success; the influence of particular variables exerts on success and the relationship between success and specific variables. The article provides the second theme of academic success. An article from the additional resources elaborates the influence of identity in the process of development. The factor would provide insight into the difference between the accomplishments of students. The final article is ‘The role of relationships in the transition from doctoral student to the independent scholar by Baker and Pifer, 2010’. The authors elaborate on the nature of relationships during the transition to independence as a researcher. The paper provides the third theme, which is the development of relationships. The additional resources focus on the aspect of the influence of experiences; students obtain through socialization. The paper seeks to illustrate the practical application of the components involved in the transition to independence as a researcher.
Theme One: Individual Effort
The first theme is about the individual effort of scholars. The first part of interest was the examination of the processes involved in the construction of professional identity, and socialization in students involved in research in public affairs (Smith & Hatmaker, 2014). Interest in the area stems from concerns over the preparation doctoral students undergo before conduction of research. Suggested methods included gaining experience through structured research, examination of the importance of the topic in the dissertation, promotion of theory development, and recommendation of mathematical coursework. A suggestion for improvement is the use of a multilevel model, which employs tactics with four aspects of learning (Smith & Hatmaker, 2014). The improved model comprises of the integration of socialization efforts at the levels of individual, relational and organizational stages, which contribute to the identity of a scholar. According to the model, th...
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