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Role of Literature Review in the Research Process. A Systematic Review

Essay Instructions:

The Session Long Project (SLP) for this course requires you to use the completed matrix which has been UPLOADED. 1. You will align common characteristics of the research process to each research methodology identified (see below). You will also write a narrative essay using this completed matrix this essay which requires you to read a published study and point out key research features within the study.


You must use the completed UPLOADED matrix as a reference to complete the Session Long Projects.

Submitting Your Assignments

4-pages not including the cover or reference page

Module 3 – Scenario 2: Patients' expectations to dental implant: A systematic review of the literature


SLP Assignment Expectations

Your task for the Module 3 SLP assignment is twofold:

First, read Scenario 2: Patients' expectations to dental implant: A systematic review of the literature. Then use your completed matrix to complete the second requirement:

Second, write 4-page narrative essay in which you identify key features in Scenarios 1-3.

Module 1 – Overview of the Research Process, including Types of Research, Examples of Research Methodologies, Research Questions, Variables, Types of Data, Role of Literature Review in the Research Process, Data Collection, Data Analysis, and Evaluation of findings.

Module 2 – Scenario 1: Culturally relevant teaching: A case study on teaching statistics in the high school setting

Module 3 – Scenario 2: Patients' expectations to dental implant: A systematic review of the literature

You will answer the following questions:

1. What type of research is used in the study?

2. What is the research problem? Indicate examples in the study that contribute to the research problem.

3. What type of research questions are presented?

4. What are the research questions?

5. What type of variables are used in the study and what are the variables?

6. List 3 authors and the role they played in the literature review.

7. What is the sample population?

8. What method of data collection was used?

9. How was data analysis accomplished?

10. What were the findings of the study?


Please be sure to include an introductory paragraph within your essay that states the purpose of the Module 3 SLP assignment and informs the reader of the ideas to be discussed.

Also, please follow the APA format and style requirements, and include an APA formatted reference list. Please cite 3 references in the essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Role of Literature Review in the Research Process: A Systematic Review of Literature
Institutional Affiliation
Role of Literature Review in the Research Process: A Systematic Review of Literature
Literature reviews play a critical role in the development of a research paper or study. This is because they enable the reader to get a general idea of the current state of affairs as far as literature on the subject is concerned. In this regard, it becomes significantly easier for the reader to better understand the context in which the study is set and the knowledge that it seeks to contribute in relation to the general information available on the subject matter. In this sense, literature reviews serve as a precursor to what the study is focused on addressing and how it contributes to current knowledge on the issue.
As far as this study goes, the research design used is a Mixed Method research design. In terms of content, the article by Yao et al. focuses on the various expectations that patients have whenever they get dental implants placed and how said expectations are met or failed in equal measure. In this sense, this study seeks to understand, based on existent research, the motivations that patients have for getting dental implants and how they react when said implants are placed (Yao, Tang, Gao, McGrath, & Mattheos, 2014). To achieve this objective, the research utilizes a systematic review of current literature. Through this approach, it becomes much easier to ensure that existent, peer-reviewed, and published literature, both qualitative and quantitative, can be assessed and reviewed to shed more light on research topic.
For this study, the research problem is centered on patient satisfaction and how it affects the manner in which patients respond to treatment. This topic is further narrowed down to understand the degree of patient satisfaction that patients getting dental implants achieve and how it affects their perceptions on the procedures, challenges, and associated costs related to the procedure. In this way, the research problem looks to develop an understanding of how different theoretical frameworks, study designs, and even measurement instruments can affect the expectations of patients in the field of implant dentistry (Yao et al., 2014). By taking such an approach, definitive results on patient satisfaction from implant dentistry can be developed.
The research questions developed for this study all focus on the information provided in existent literature on how patients perceive implant dentistry, and how it impacts their lives and degree of satisfaction after the treatment procedure is completed. The types of research questions utilized for this study are descriptive, relational, and causal in design (Cooper, 2010). This is mainly because the study looks to understand how patient satisfaction after implant dentistry procedures is related to, determined by, or influenced by the procedure involved as well as the theoretical framework used to determine the processes in question. In this way, conclusive answers on the issue can be attained through an assessment of both qualitative and quantitative articles on these issues. Some of the research questions used include:
* What are patient expectations after receiving dental implants?
* How do patient expectations affect patient satisfaction and treatment outcomes after implant dentistry procedures?
* How are patients’ expectations assessed within implant dentistry?
* What theoretical frameworks are used to assess patient expectations in implant dentistry?
Being a systematic review research des...
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