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Widdowson's Position to French as a World Language

Essay Instructions:

Do you agree with Widdowson or do you make a distinction between English users those countries have institutionalized varieties of English and those who use it principally as a lingua franca for intercultural communication?
Additional comment: Apply Widdowson's position to French as a World Language.
Reading: D2 - p.190-196

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Widdowson's position to French as a World Language
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Widdowson's position to French as a World Language
English is the most widely used language in the world, and it has spread from its native 400 million speakers to almost 700 million foreign speakers. With this spread, English could not have escaped changes and diversification even as it became an international language. I concur with WiddowsonCITATION Jen15 \l 1033 (Jenkins, 2015) who argues that English is protean in nature and it is coined and molded to fit different purposes, Chinua Achebe (pg. 196) seconded this argument when he wrote that so he would use a different kind of English, though still tied to its origin to share his experience. Since it is an international language, it cannot be subject to conformity, but diversifies in its use on various platforms such as disciplines, the speakers and purpose.
Most academic work and professions use English because of its massive population of speakers. However, the language used in fashion is not the same in law, neither in medicine all who have common words as well. Take law, for example; the word acquittal is not familiar to those outside the law discipline, yet it simply refers to a court letting go a person without penalty, in medicine the term hemorrhage is used by doctors when referring to bleeding. There is no rule against these disciplines adopting their terms, and on the same token, no one will refute a lawyer saying hemorrhaging instead of bleeding because it is still proper English. It is this internationalization of the language that has subjected it to lack of conformity and fluidity and therefore the supposed custodians of the language lose the monopoly to the disc...
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