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Specific Change within a Health Care Organization

Essay Instructions:

➢ Write a 2-page paper that addresses the following 4 questions below

➢ Reference- use credible article from website(.gov, .edu and etc)

➢ Please make sure to write 1 page (550 words)

1. A summary of a specific change within an organization (healthcare organization).

2. Describe the impact of this change on your role and responsibilities.

3. Explain the rationale for the change, and whether or not the intended outcomes have been met.

4. Assess the management of the change, and propose suggestions for how the process could have been improved.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Change within an Organization
Name of Student
Institution Affiliation
Change within an Organization
The implementation of continuous changes in any health care organization ensures the reliability and readiness of that organization. This assignment aims to present the implementation of electronic health record as a change in a health care organization for improved outcomes, the impact of this change on my role and responsibilities, the rationale for the change, assessment of change management, and suggestions for further improvement.
Specific Change within a Health Care Organization
In order to comply with the current trends of information technology for improved outcomes, we decided to integrate the electronic health record (EHR) system in our health care organization. The EHR is a patient’s paper chart in a digital version that contains the patient-centred real-time record which makes the patient’s information accessible to the authorized personnel (HealthIT, 2018). The EHRs are already quite actively used by commercial medical institutions that understand their benefits. These benefits outweigh the possible risks and negative consequences of using an EHR. The risks are reduced through the development of internal regulatory documents detailing the work in the health care organization.
Impact of EHR on My Role and Responsibilities
The introduction of EHR has resulted in several benefits for the health care organization. The integration of the EHR provides outcomes in providing care to the patients as it provides a principal repository of data which may be available from every authorized health care organization (Health Informatics, 2019). Therefore, it has provided convenience for me being a health care professional, as we can access the patient’s data even upon his or her first visit. So, we are not supposed to take a history from the patients since some patients get annoye...
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