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The American Education System for Asian Students

Essay Instructions:

Please write a personal essay from a young chinese boy growing up in China and moved to usa when he’s 13, make the central idea of the essay a criticism of the Chinese education.

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A new Dawn; The American Education System
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The moment is stepped my foot on the United States soil, I realized a great shift China and my new found home despite my tender age. At the time, I was just a thirteen year old naïve boy enshrined within the strong Chinese culture. On my first day in an American Classroom, the reality of the shift struck me harder. The education system was completely the opposite of what I had been exposed to in my home country. While my head was completely shaven, most students in the new environment had their hair styled. I started dreaming of growing my own hair. Besides, I was given an opportunity to choose the subjects I wanted to take, something unheard of in my home country. As I walked along the clean marble floor leading to my new classroom, I realized that this was the best thing that had happened in my life, a new dawn that I was eager to explore.
In the classroom, technology was all over the place, from the Globe to the projectors and Tablets for studying. I looked around to confirm the reality of all this, and when I found composure, I recognized my new classmates staring at me. I smiled and sat down. The teacher introduced me to the class and I sat at an empty spot at the back of the class. My desk mate passed over his tablet to me and asked me to write my name using the tablet. Well, I pretended to be at home with the technology but I failed miserably. He took the gadget and tried showing me how to use it. I was a little embarrassed for failing to do such a simple task. However, I couldn’t blame myself more. I had never seen any electronic gadget in my former school back in china.
The time for English came and one Mr. Smith showed up in class. He wore a dress shirt, well ironed pants and pointed boots. From my point of v...
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