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ENG 398 Fall 2016 Assignment: Ethics in Journalism

Essay Instructions:


During the semester, we read about and discussed more than two dozen ethical quandaries as they pertain to journalism, in handouts, in the three films we watched in class and in the Frontline special.

From all of the examples, choose four IN A SINGLE CATEGORY and examine a specific ethical issue in detail. For example, choose four examples in which the question was whether to become an arm of law enforcement; or four times technology created an ethical dilemma; or four times when a rumor was or was not reported; or when anonymous sources were used.

These must be examples that are clearly debatable. In other words, don’t pick four examples of plagiarism or four times a reporter lied or four times a reporter purposely misrepresented a piece of information.

At least one of your examples MUST be one that was not discussed in class.

Some things to keep in mind as you write are:- The significant facts of the case.- The ethical dilemma related to the case, such as privacy, real or perceived conflicts of interest, objectivity, etc. - The SPJ Code of Ethics.- Alternatives to resolve the issue.- What you would do, in the specific situation and in a more general sense.

This not a research paper, per se, but the use of outside sources, including the text used in class, is encouraged.

The paper should be typed and roughly 1200 to 1500 words. It must be turned in to the English Department office, Room 306 of Clemens Hall by noon Saturday Dec. 16, 2017.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ethics in Journalism
Journalism ethics is till a gray area that has fueled heated debates on various stories that make to publication. Sometimes journalists wrestle with big decisions about information in their custody and how best they can publish it without infractions on their professional code of ethics. The professional code of ethics for journalists becomes the guiding principles that help them to make informed choices on how to handle various situations to avoid litigations whilst ensuring they carry out their work diligently. One of the complex issues with grave ethical implications is to determine whether a journalist can become an arm of law enforcement. There is an ethical dilemma in regard to how journalists would treat the information that has implications on law enforcement. Their media houses can also have laws that directly or indirectly affect reporting of information regarding law enforcement.
In one instance, CITATION Bob03 \l 1033 (Steele, 2003) covers the issue of ethical conduct with information that shows loopholes and laxity of internal affairs in dealing with importation of radioactive materials. NBC had earlier imported depleted uranium and observed that the ministry of internal affairs did not detect or investigate the importation duly to guarantee that dangerous materials such as uranium cannot be imported by individuals to the United States. In their coverage, NBC sought to bring to realization an existing loophole in the ministry of internal affairs that could threaten American lives. In the view of public interest, such information is important and can help the government to reevaluate its policy implementation at the country’s ports. It is still unclear if NBC broke any law in their pursuit to build and publish the story. If they did, is there a justification to their actions, especially in putting ethical obligations over legal disobedience.
This information is meant for the public good and to prompt the government to step in to address the issue. Its significance is undoubtfully positive and welcome. However, is legal disobedience the only avenue the media has to use to publish the story. Did they exhaust any other means of getting the same information before turning to legal disobedience? One could argue that the information justifies the method, but in this case, they probably broke the law. It is wrong to engage in criminal or illegal activities to create a story for the public. As Steele observes, it is like breaking into a bank to show that their security system is weak. The bottom line is, their actions contradict the spirit of journalism and its ethical code thereof. Thus, these actions must be weighed against their intentions to justify them. Is it really worth it to break the law to show you can import potentially harmful and illegal materials to the United states? It would be better to obtain information on how such imports are processed to highlight on the issue rather than committing the crime.
CITATION Jon09 \l 1033 (Jones, 2009)features another story of a journalist who was arrested for trespassing. In the story, a photojournalist covers a story of citizens demonstrating the excavation of a mountain for mining. The environmental activists argue that the method of mining degrades the environment and they chain themselves to a mining equipment at the top of the hill. To reach the top of the hill, they break through a fence into mining company’s land at the top of the hill. The journalist joins them to take pictures for his story. When the police come, they arrest the activists and the journalist. The journalist is charged with trespassing.
The journalist did his best to cover the story and actions of the activists and he could not avoid trespassing to reach the location of the activists. He did not participate in the activism but he had to get to a better ground to have better descriptive photos of the activism. His only mistake is trespassing. He was, however, unable to capture good shots of the demonstration had he not trespassed. The intentions of the journalist are clear and well-meant, at least from the surface...
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