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Eng 102 WK 2 Case: Stereotyping

Essay Instructions:

please follow the instructions on the attached document there is additional information


Required Reading

Argumentation, Trident University International

Integrating Sources and Intro to APA, Trident University International

How to evaluate sources: introduction. (n.d.). The Bedford Research Room:. Retrieved February 23, 2014, fromhttp://www(dot)bedfordstmartins(dot)com/catalog/static/bsm/researchroom/evaluate/index.asp

4 Ladies get the 'cover model' makeover of their dreams ... And then hate the results. (n.d.).Upworthy. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from http://www(dot)upworthy(dot)com/4-ladies-get-the-cover-model-makeover-of-their-dreams-and-then-hate-the-results-11113?c=reccon1

Clinton, C., & Steyer., J. (1970, January 1). Is the internet hurting children?. CNN. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from http://www(dot)cnn(dot)com/2012/05/21/opinion/clinton-steyer-internet-kids/

Little boys learn a lot from watching 'Star Wars,' and it isn't all good. (n.d.). Upworthy. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from http://www(dot)upworthy(dot)com/little-boys-learn-a-lot-from-watching-star-wars-and-it-isnt-all-good

Miss representation. (n.d.). Miss Representation. Retrieved February 21, 2014, fromhttp://film(dot)missrepresentation(dot)org/

Rewrite the story. (n.d.). The Representation Project. Retrieved February 22, 2014, fromhttp://therepresentationproject(dot)org/films/the-mask-you-live-in/

Rowan, C. (2013, May 29). The impact of technology on the developing child. The Huffington Post. Retrieved February 19, 2014, fromhttp://www(dot)huffingtonpost(dot)com/cris-rowan/technology-children-negative-impact_b_3343245.html

Suddath, C. (2013, December 19). Pantene's anti-sexism shampoo commercial comes to the U.S.. Bloomberg Business Week. Retrieved February 22, 2014, fromhttp://www(dot)businessweek(dot)com/articles/2013-12-19/pantenes-anti-sexism-shampoo-commercial-comes-to-america

The mask you live in. (n.d.). The Representation Project. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from http://therepresentationproject(dot)org/films/the-mask-you-live-in/

Watch these 4 girls destroy the female stereotype like the monsters they are. (n.d.). Upworthy. Retrieved February 22, 2014, fromhttp://www(dot)upworthy(dot)com/watch-these-4-girls-destroy-the-female-stereotype-like-the-monsters-they-are-rw1-9b





Case Assignment

Reflecting on the seven gender-related videos for Module 2, write a well-organized and well-supported essay in which you help challenge society’s limiting gender narratives.

A well-organized essay has a beginning, middle, and an end. The beginning, or introduction, should include an opening sentence to grab your reader’s attention. Follow the opening sentence with a brief background on the topic or situation. In this case, it would be an explanation of gender roles, stereotypes, myths, and/or controls in society today. The last sentence of the introduction is the thesis statement. The thesis states the main point of the essay, which in this case, would be a statement affirming what needs to be done to limit gender narratives in society today.

A well-supported essay includes supporting points, details, and examples. For this essay, you must decide the best way to organize the body of the paper. Will you have a paragraph for each change? Will you divide the body of your paper into three or more paragraphs, one for each point? In any case, each body paragraph must support (explain) your reasoning (rationale) using specific details. Each body paragraph must have a topic sentence that states the main point of the paragraph.

The conclusion typically summarizes the main points of the essay and/or closes with a lasting impression that connects the reader to their world. In this case, where is our society headed? Is it too late for change?

Be sure to proofread your essay and edit for proper grammar, punctuation, diction (word choice), and spelling, as errors in sentence skills will lower a final grade. A grade will be determined based on the Module 2 Case expectations and the Trident University General Education rubric for English.

Papers must be double-spaced in Times or Times New Roman font (12 cpi) with standard one-inch margins.

The first person "I" is not used in a formal essay, nor is the passive "you." In place of "you," "one" may be used.

No secondary sources are to be used in the process of writing this first paper; it is to be entirely written based on one's point of view and supported with body points and details.

Assignment Expectations

  • Write an essay (no less than three pages in length) that states an original thesis statement on what impacts/influences student learning.
  • Demonstrate the ability to make and support an Argumentative claim in a well supported, organized, and cohesive essay.
  • Demonstrate the ability to identify credible and reliable sources for use in a well-supported and cohesive essay.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Today’s society is a stereotyped community that thrives on misconceptions that have been hardwired into the minds of the people. Boys think and act like men as the society has stereotyped them (Warren, n.d.). While the girls are expected to be the weaker sex, and should be submissive to men and the society in general. Every other person in the society is judged by how well they fit into the stereotypic persons that the society has set out as a pass mark. Those who tend to go off the rails are taken to be misguided and viewed differently by the entire community.
Thesis statement: The society has set out misrepresentative cultures that form stereotypes in the young minds of the children
From the first day boys are born, they are seen as the superior beings in the society. By the time they get old enough to understand the social norms, they have been bombarded with stereotypic conditioning that requires them to man up. This means that, they are not to act weak or else they will be deemed to be girly. They have to be firm, which most of the time prompts them to act up and get involved in fights. As such, boys that are strong in fights and those that do not break in the worst of pressure from their environment are seen as the bravest. Deep inside, every boy that is seen as brave and strong, there is a cry for help as they try to mask their fears, feelings and passions. After all, they are not supposed to show their weakness. This is a notion that has been around for quite some time and most of the victims of racial abuse among other forms of abuse including sexual assault are not supposed to tell of their ordeals or even show that they are suffering from the humiliation and the pressure.
Girls, on the other hand, are seen as the weaker sex and are supposed to be submissive, so that they can be protected by both boys and men. Most of the society and the platforms that are used for the generation and distribution of the media content show girls as objects of play for men. In most of the music videos, it is common to find that more than 99% of girls on video are half naked and sometimes even fully naked while the men are dressed up (Clinton &Steyer, 1970). This shows a dominance of the male figure in the society, while females are taken as toys to make men happy. As such, the feelings of the girls are not important, what is important is that men are happy. The girls are made to think that there is something wrong with them if they do not look like the models on the magazines (Gilkey, n.d.).
In the early years before television and internet came to be, most times the children had actual time playing with each other. Majority of the children had time to go out and have physical exercise on playgrounds with their bikes, balls and many other imaginary games that were one with nature. Family time would be spent most times doing chores in the house and around their homestead...
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