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ENG 101 Paper #1

Essay Instructions:
We talked in class about “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift. I want an essay about a problem that is actually happening these days. i want to talk about the problem then what's their advantages and disadvantages then find a solution for them. For example crack heads. who are they in the society? what should we do with them? should we burn them! I want you to be a little bit funny same as Jonathan Swift in A Modest Proposal. It dosen't have to be about crack heads if you have a similar idea that will be ok. A modest Proposal can be found easily in Google and it's not long. Thank you.
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ENG 101 Paper
Professor Name:
(October 26, 2011)
ENG 101 Paper
Life is full of surprises and it presents people of very different characters, some are very polite loving and caring; while others are arrogant and proud. However whichever character one has will always display itself in the lifestyle, income, clothing, and shelter among other factors. But nature has made everything for a purpose and crack heads also serve their purpose in life. A crack head will always cause great trouble to others and live in a lifestyle fit to be a gangster.
In any society there will always be such characters and despite being brought up in the best and ideal values some will transform to their real characters. Crack heads court trouble and his/her character make the society insecure and uncertain. They smoke crack which is illegal and addictive but they cannot do without it. They are common in ghettos where problems shape them to adapt to the challenges they face and solve them the way they seem best. Life in the ghettos is always tough and intimidating; you will lack basic necessities such as food, shelter and clothing. The people live in deplorable conditions with inadequate facilities of education and health. Does society think that living in such conditions will raise the young ones to be better? Or will they invent survival skills to help them survive the difficulties. Crack heads do what they know best; “to survive”.
They live different from the others, who have access to quality education and health amenities; this is because they are not educated they cannot acquire a job hence they have to find other means to earn a living. Their lifestyle can only be described as freelance since they don’t have a define lifestyle. When they earn something they will brag about it and when they are broke they are busy making ends meet. They are very casual in their dressing and most times wearing t-shirts printed with abusive words. They don’t care much about hygiene since they don’t have time for it. Thiers is the “don’t care attitude”, because cares and worries will only worsen their situation.
Crack heads will at most times use abusive language and words like “Fuck you”, “bull shit” “mother fucker” and “bull crap” will be part of their slang language that is done on purpo...
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