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My language experiences

Essay Instructions:
-Write an essay in which you reflect on your own language learning experiences. Begin by describing briefly how, when, why, and to what extent you have acquired/learned/ developed/(forgotten?) each of the languages you know. Then discuss some (not all!) of the factors that you feel were or (are) the most important influences on your language learning. Finally, discuss how your own experience as a language learner might affect your language teaching philosophy and what you actually might do in the classroom. Consider your “audience” for this essay to be your classmates and me, as well as other language teachers who could learn from your experience and reflections. Questions to help you reflect: 1. How many languages do you "know"? 2. Do you consider yourself to be a "good" language learner? Why or why not? 3. How would you classify your use of each of the languages you know? (you might use terms like L1, L2, native, near-native, mother tongue, foreign, second, third, auxiliary, for specific purposes, reading only, etc) 4. How did you learn each of these languages (e.g., informal exposure, formal instruction, self-study, etc.)? 5. Did motivation play a role on how quickly you learned, the level of proficiency you reached, how much and for what purpose you use the language now, etc? Explain. 6. What other factors were (or still are) involved in how you learned and/or how you use each language? 7. Does your personal language learning experience affect the way you might teach in the future? Should it? Explain. my native language is Arabic and my second Language is English
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Language Experiences
From my own experience and experiences that others have shared with me, I have discovered that language learning can be exciting or sometimes a tormenting experience. Personally, I know two languages namely my native language- Arabic and my second language- English. Regarding Arabic, I have high level of competence and performance in the sense that I have a clear understanding of the structure, grammar, and word formation among other aspects of language in addition to proper usage of it. Courtesy of my ethnic background, I was able to acquire the language through the interaction with my family members, and people who lived around us who frequently used Arabic. I acquired Arabic language from my early childhood and continued developing it as I grew older especially as I proceeded to school where I was able to learn the language formally. Since I was born in an Arabic ethnic background it was nearly given that I had to acquire the language so that I could be able to communicate effectively with people around me. As a result of being exposed to Arabic language at a tender age and later on being subjected to formal learning of the language at school, I was able to develop high degree of Arabic competence and performance. In regard to English, I learned it as my second language in high school. Since English was being offered as one of the foreign languages, I elected to study it. I have been studying it in my entire high school period. My decision to learn English was informed by the fact that English is one of the widely used languages in formal and even informal settings across the world. Also, I was quite certain that eventually I will move to an English- speaking country and there will be need for effective communication. However, since it was my second language I initially faced difficulties learning it but I later adopted. Even though I have a good knowledge and can use English quite properly, I have not yet developed excellent competency and performance of the language. I consider myself a good language learner and therefore I will eventually perfect my English language and possibly make an effort of learning additional language(s).
There are factors that I feel were and still are most important in influencing my learning of the two languages. The first factor is social; where as a c...
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