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personal knowledge and experience

Essay Instructions:
Choose a topic from your personal knowledge and experience. Remember that you must utilize your first-hand experience to prove your authority to write on a topic. Purely generalized and/or factual information is not acceptable. - Write in your own words, from your perspective or point of view, using the pronoun “I.” - Capture your reader's attention with an interesting introductory paragraph. - Use specific examples from your personal experience. - Use concrete or vivid words. - Use complete sentences, varying your sentence length and structure. - Use fully developed paragraphs, where each paragraph has only one main idea with enough supporting details to develop that idea clearly and logically. - Write a total of 750 to 2,500 words on your topic. (If your essay is typed and double-spaced, your final draft should be between three and ten pages.)
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running Head: PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE Personal Knowledge and Experience Student’s Name: Institution: Course Details: Instructor’s Name: Date: Introduction For most people, owning a car is a reality they would like to achieve in their life time. It was no different for me, growing up as a kid. I constantly found myself fascinated by cars and their mechanics and given the opportunity, I would have experimented with them at a very tender age. As a fate would have it, my father who I doubt would have achieved this very delightful reality of owning an automobile, was retrenched from Hewlet and Packard, the computer giants. For months, things did not work out well for our family and I started getting frustrated. By then I was doing twelfth grade and my grades were started to tell of the domestic strain that affected my life and family as a result of my father’s incapacitation. My dada was a computer specialist and had worked hard to provide for our family. I had never seen my father as a failure, and was certainly not going to see him quit. So I made it my business to encourage him day and night though I knew little about being a father. As I stated earlier, my dad would not have owned a car were it not for the events that played out after he was made redundant. Every company that he supplied with his resume would in the end decline his application-talk about fate playing tricks with your life! However, the long wait was soon to end and my father finally secured work with Ford, the automobile bigwig. It was funny because other than a computer science qualification, he knew practically nothing about cars. Nevertheless, Ford was experimenting on a new prototype that required computerization of some kind and my father seemed to meet this need. As days turned into months and my father settled into his new job, I renewed my desire for cars especially because I knew he had the capacity to acquire one. It came as no surprise, when upon returning from a business trip, he drove home in a new car- a ford mustang, just what I constantly fantasized about. If only I knew what lay ahead, I would have deviated from ever falling in love with cars. My first Lessons From the minute my dad stepped out of the car, I knew my days of torment at school for not having to be dropped or picked at school were over. I suddenly had something to brag about other than tag behind whenever others started talking about their fathers cars. In the beginning I was eager to learn and my dad though willing to let me try out the new car, explained that I would be putting myself in danger if I attempted driving the car before passing my driving test. I concluded he had a fair argument, but convinced him to at least teach me the basics during his free time and on weekends. It was easy because I had the support of my mother who has always been involved with my well-being, and who considered it a high time I quenched my desire for driving. At first I was nervous about being in the driver’s seat, especially whenever my father got busy talking on the phone and paid little attention to me. However, I quickly realized that it was just like the computer racing games such as “Need for Speed Most Wanted”. All I had to do was just concentrate on the road and other drivers. My father’s car was a manual one, which basically means that whoever was driving had full control of all the gears, as opposed to automatic cars, that use inbuilt sensors for sensing speed. After a few weeks of learning, I felt able to steer without fear of oncoming cars, something my father commended me for. Of all the lessons my ...
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