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4 pages/≈1100 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Discuss the potential of solutions to alleviate the problems caused by Procrastination which students studied in university.

Essay Instructions:
Task - Write a problem-solution essay (900-1000 words) based on the education topic in the proposal. Include the following: • a narrowed essay title • 2 solutions must be provided • an introduction paragraph and a conclusion paragraph • body paragraphs covering problems and proposed solutions • an end-of-text reference list in the appropriate referencing style for your discipline • a minimum of four in-text citations from a minimum of four English language academic source texts using appropriate citing techniques • a minimum of two in-text citations from a minimum of two English language news sources using appropriate citing techniques • the reference list should include a DOI, permalink or URL for each source. The amount of direct quotation should NOT exceed 5% of the word count in the essay. Extra guidance notes Content and organisation • Make sure you answer your essay question. For each problem identified, a solution should be given. • Make sure that each body paragraph has supporting evidence. Ensure that your references are from academic and reliable news sources in order to strengthen the credibility of your writing. • The introduction should address these elements: what the issue involves; why the issue is important; and how the essay will answer the question. • Ensure that your essay has a logical structure. Make sure that there is one main point per body paragraph. • Aim for clear linking between paragraphs. Show the connection with the previous paragraph. • Finish a paragraph with a concluding sentence to link back to the topic sentence and introduction. • The conclusion should be short and include the following: a short summary of the main points, your opinion and/or recommendations. Referencing • Include a minimum of four in-text citations from a minimum of four English language academic source texts. • Include a minimum of two in-text citations from a minimum of two English language news sources using appropriate citing techniques • Demonstrate in-text citation skills. Effective use of integral and non-integral citations is expected. • The total word count for direct quotation should not exceed 5% of the essay word count. • Downgrades will be applied if material is copied without citing and referencing sources or if there are other breaches of academic integrity. Use your own words when summarising and paraphrasing material from sources. • Include an end-of-text reference list using the appropriate referencing style for your discipline. Academic style • You should use a formal written style. • You should use appropriate vocabulary. • Aim to use single-word verbs rather than less formal phrasal verbs. • Use hedging language. Avoid making overly assertive claims unless you can justify a strong assertion with equally strong supporting evidence. Reference essay: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://learn-ap-southeast-1-prod-fleet02-xythos(dot)content(dot)blackboardcdn(dot)com/5c16ec324f190/11888501?X-Blackboard-S3-Bucket=learn-ap-southeast-1-prod-fleet02-xythos&X-Blackboard-Expiration=1708290000000&X-Blackboard-Signature=wBSWAH80JrT7UCq3%2B5LhpTJrY%2FFdUlqpexe7dwI0bAE%3D&X-Blackboard-Client-Id=304891&X-Blackboard-S3-Region=ap-southeast-1&response-cache-control=private%2C%20max-age%3D21600&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%2A%3DUTF-8%27%27Sample%25201%2520Problem-solution%2520essay%2520Draft%25202%2520V1.pdf&response-content-type=application%2Fpdf&X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEBkaDmFwLXNvdXRoZWFzdC0xIkcwRQIhALEqSH5BlnCHo%2FeytWOl88%2B89%2Bx1YcQ4XNJqf3wX9Yh2AiBikHRJBJGRxXnfFVnVG6zMgOdlfbF5zYdmAQunc7WraCrMBQjy%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F8BEAMaDDYzNTU2NzkyNDE4MyIMWaw3dSFWpRLDPDqLKqAFWD2SljwkFiRrKMiXNZpDuYPU7mO7yW7WmFkvYtsmPoeJ%2FcSxiiTe4%2FuRhUrcRXg4ituM8UQdlTWJyKFbh72iSgl%2BiYNeEBuiNG9VnccZqTntHOx6ZYdYOchbH1mBY6qOS%2F5a8hnAka6sLbi7mL8bb2g8Z3FZaZks9btjTeoKJnC0Vt7YE2n9tsVWKHUbvb0VXhtExT52eOtftnPnsVpbVYqY5V44LiGcozSzwedMmvtOU4%2B0ENOB0WfYW6MofZYBQQtBo4sQVY%2BCHfjVcha88QZVTvs74EWsFhuH2zdjCtaDAT2G0xhZjelZ8v8Bzc6YrtcbH9mVmP0SObbAoxidmJQYtUJ7oKjgffbICM%2FdQjzlsYhvK1pGISbPTNb02n%2F%2BSH%2FUnjfE0Qa2mc7rlY1pURkYUfGs4Ns3aU8hRCQJpDJzWTplp3VO0TUDAkZ87GOnNdM0%2Bc9EmkRwSm4P2a%2BjglnHFIRGyV6zDjuSkIf7CmO6B21kuX5BvfhuddVM0LzRzqCC59AbH9ie9vm4JDiOJNr13rZxSiiSBwFVGLINapKdNk5GGc5rwH40yKOZBYnlhRa6LUVMPzWXlNTL7z97M4zTAYPhdLole%2B8kB0C%2F%2FLVerqW0NtoOC32RGAshXum%2FBdOfC9vaLGfDkQass2EgFdre5Gk2KqTOs%2BCaXu4QGfONOe3ccqzGbIsoOUhSSlgdj5rhECuBaZVmzYBaH918QiG9N1%2FHaPZupjOuAJcU2oi3ompm9zaPyoLu8oy6OyOYACmIHSbdrDu1LQFQITDiK2jV8oFrQ2lvfWSq8zyXP6gs341t78lcmV3CajQ2QKBvznYqi0cs74aY3%2BcThjuyPN75HkAbnzspfPiL%2B4Ym%2ByKdQKr6b%2FfyJ8ptbHqNwQnDMNbjyK4GOrEBkdooGcJwVaQ2Q6k95NA1ZsdiPsmKSWo%2BR193FcyHlS8EHUwMMz%2BFE2epE6P1QTjgM4XqUUnu7GtZAgBTBwkyW3yik2OfC3QyOyj5C4fADfxtuZJfwdOyTz%2BtW4wfcqQ5Y%2FtnFzmtCRg9p2DLsezTjuNJWmSdolkpHTjSExaAXgBl1CA4ZP5lPx8OsZRe569u91%2FWEAADTwUWcbbpB7QGXPqIkI0TyFYf7Im18IY%2BIGgJ&X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Date=20240218T150000Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Expires=21600&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAZH6WM4PL7G4U6GW3%2F20240218%2Fap-southeast-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=31758364996655c953d4edc0ddd0903e8b343b443563917c9a643344bb0ae0de
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Discussion of Potential Solutions to Alleviate the Problems Caused by Procrastination Among University Students Name: Institutional affiliation: Course: Date: Introduction Among the many problematic behaviors humans deal with on a day-to-day basis, procrastination is the worst and affects every one of us. According to Campos (2020) procrastination refers to the act of postponing tasks. Among students, procrastination is so prevalent and often results in stress and anxiety, with these problems worsening as the deadline approaches. According to the American Psychology Association (APA), about 80 to 95% of students procrastinate, representing about 4 out of 5 students, especially when it comes to coursework (University National, 2024). In a study research by Sirois (2014) students who do not procrastinate acquire more skills, have more peace of mind, have a feeling of strength and purpose, and are more in charge of their lives. On the contrary, procrastinators were more at risk of stress leading to decreased academic performance and several other cycles of negative habits. Fortunately, the act of procrastination does not necessarily have to become a habit as long there are the right solutions to alleviate problems caused by procrastination among university students. Problem of Procrastination Understanding the problems of procrastination starts with understanding its triggers. According to Newton (2014), there are seven triggers of procrastination: (1) feeling bored with tasks; (2) distraction; (3) fear and anxiety; (4) lack of belief in individual abilities; (5) perfectionism; (6) being afraid of success or failure; and (7) fearing responsibility that comes with the task. All these triggers combined culminate in a handful of problems, especially among students. The first problem that comes as a result of these triggers is negative impacts on one academic performance. According to research by Jones, I. S., & Blankenship, D. C. (2021). “Approximately half of students who submit assignments after the deadline receive a failing grade. These findings argue that students employing avoidance procrastination, as stated by Ferrari, O’Callaghan, and New Beginning, (2005), tended to use this type of procrastination to delay a task so that weak accomplishment might be understood as owing to time pressure instead of lack of student ability… ( Jones & Blankenship, 2021, p. 6). Students who procrastinate overall achieve lower grades as compared to non-procrastinators. Who often tend to manage their time well and as a result complete assigned tasks on time. The low performance among procrastinators is often a result of rushed assignments, missed deadlines, and incomplete assignments, which collectively lead to compromised quality of submitted work. Secondly, procrastination causes an increase...
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