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Blog (use a topic)

Essay Instructions:
After reading/viewing/listening to the required materials from Noble, Gilliard, and Tufekci, write a post expressing your thoughts about them. Draw connections between at least two of the items you viewed, listened to, or read. Don’t forget to include citations and references where needed. Add some visual interest to your blog post by including an image that is related to this topic. You can use a photo from a site that offers photos that are free to use, such as Unsplash https://unsplash(dot)com/ ****************************** Hello please use this link as 3rd resource https://www(dot)ted(dot)com/talks/zeynep_tufekci_we_re_building_a_dystopia_just_to_make_people_click_on_ads/transcript?hasSummary=true&language=en
Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Impact of Technology on Society: Perspectives on Bias, Surveillance, and Manipulation Name Institution Course Name Instructor Due Date The Impact of Technology on Society: Perspectives on Bias, Surveillance, and Manipulation Today, every aspect of life has been digitalized, and social media has become the primary form of communication among various people. However, the forces of power, bias, and control are supreme in shaping our online experience, and this has been clearly shown by Safiya Noble, Chris Gilliard, and Zeynep Tufekci. These three scholars have been significant in exploring and teaching the rest of the world the influence of technology. In addition to that, these scholars have also provided information on the systemic inequalities that are present in various digital spaces. Therefore, exploring the profound implications of unchecked technological development and the urgent need for ethical considerations in the digital space is essential. Starting with the presentation by Safiya Noble, an information studies professor, the presentation articulates search engines’ impact on enhancing racial and gender bias. She first starts by giving examples of problematic search results, such as pornographic content appearing when searching for Black girls. For instance, she says, “In 2011, sugaryblackpussy.com was the number one hit when you searched for Black girls. In 2009, it was hotblackpussy.com” (Noble, 2018). Noble highlights that people or the owners of various websites have placed their commercial interests before the end consumers without caring how they will perceive the information they are selling. Additionally, Noble highlights that such commercial interests have had a significant influence in shaping societal perceptions. In the interview with Chris Gilliard, there is specific information where Gilliard focused on teaching people how data is handled while emphasizing privacy and surveillance issues. Chris Gilliard shares first-hand details on how surveillan...
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