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Disability Legislation in Canada and the United States

Essay Instructions:
Burns and Gordon end their essay comparing Canadian and US legislation on accessibility saying that Canada could learn from the efforts of the United States. What do you think are some of the reasons Canada (both Liberal and Conservative federal governments) has not passed federal legislation akin to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? Reading: Kovacs Burns, K. and Gordon, G.L (2010). Analyzing the Impact of Disability Legislation in Canada and the United States, Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 20(4): 205¨C218. Available at: http://dps(dot)sagepub(dot)com/content/20/4/205.full.pdf+html
Essay Sample Content Preview:

The life of every citizen is equally the same as to others. Therefore, all citizens should be treated the same. In the Americans with Disability Act the disabled have been taken care of by the government ensuring that they get access to educational facilities as well as other social amenities (Killeen, 2009).
In case of the Canadian authority this is not the case. There are several factors which have led to this situation that has adversely affected the disabled in Canada from accessing essential services. Firstly, there is lack of political good will which would have played a major role in coming up with laws to protect the disabled. In addition, the government has failed as it has not supported those involved in the fight for the rights of the disabled. Despite the fact that The Canadian Human Rights Act gave all Canadians same right but this did not specifically solve the issues of the disabled Canadians. Additionally, having every province to come up with its own laws to handle the disabled and then trying to harmonize them into one law has proved to be difficult thus delaying The Disabled Legislation (Killeen, 2009). Also it is good to note that every province has its own practices which vary from the other.
For any Law to be effective the government has to fund the initiative which the Canadian government has failed to do. Literally, this has been l...
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