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Beauty today and its biblical view (Discussions Board)

Essay Instructions:
Discussions Board Instructions Your Discussion Board forums will be divided into two parts: an original thread in response to the instructor's prompt and at least one reply to a classmate's posting. Thus, in order to earn full credit for each forum, you must post at least 2 times per forum. Review the Discussion Board Grading Rubric for a list of grading criteria and and points. As you complete the Discussion Board assignments, please adhere to the following standards: - Original threads should be 200–250 words. This parameter helps to promote writing that is thorough, yet concise enough to permit other students to read all the postings. - Appropriate references should be made in APA format. - First person (“I” and “we”) is allowed in all posts. - Post a 100–word reply to another student's posting. - Title the subject line of the replies “Response to John Smith,” “Response to Jane Doe,” etc. so that it will be clear who you are responding to. - Please note that “I like what you said”, “That's a good comment”, and “I disagree with your comment” in and of themselves do not count as complete replies. Instead, state why you liked or disliked the comment, add additional thoughts or ideas to the original comment, or provide alternative ideas/thoughts when you disagree. - Follow all of the stated deadlines for the threads and replies. - Courtesy in any disagreement is expected; see the Student Expectations link for guidelines on proper netiquette. One of the goals of discussion boards is to encourage student community learning; thus, not every posting will have a response from the professor. Rather, the instructor will respond to a few postings in a way that adds to the conversation, asks a pertinent question, or summarizes some of the key points made by students. NOTE: Here are some lead phrases that demonstrate higher levels of thinking: - “Some common themes I see between your experiences and our textbook are…” (analysis) - “These newer trends are significant if we consider the relationship between …” (synthesis) - “The body of literature should be assessed by these standards …” (evaluation)
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Beauty today and its biblical view
Professor Name:
(March, 2013)

Beauty today and its biblical view
The media today is becoming a very powerful tool in shaping the uniqueness of our young people especially the girls as the traditional sources of identity are beginning to disappear (family, social roles and the church). This is because the media as became part of humanity and people have allowed it to influence their beliefs in what can be defined as beautiful (Wykes & Gunter, 2005). The popular television shows on the screens are constantly impacting our girls with misleading images. Wykes and Gunter acknowledge that the media have created images which are difficult to imitate and the young women are stripping to become like them. When they se this so called models on the television or in a magazine they start wondering why they do not look like them. They have been brain washed to belief that being beautiful one has to be thin, wear expensive clothes, and have a make up. They start doing everything possible to ensure they fit in this idealized image in order to be happy (Wykes & Gunter, 2005). This pressure to match to such an image has a psychologically effected the young girls, and have influence they way they dress, eat, act and think.
According to Ojeda this kind of stereotype influence has caused a lot to the young girls. Many have been affected psychologically leading to low esteems, others have being led to eating disorders, others have used all their savings and above all many have missed the mark of beauty as described by the holy word of God. Although there are increasing numbers of people who are propagating the benefits of a healthy body and warning people about the ill-effects of unhealthy body weights, a large number of media messages just can not seem to shift the focus from slim and slender bodies to healthier body images (Ojeda, 2003). According to Wykes and Gunter the following are some of the eating disorders as a result of this trend: anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating (Wykes & Gunter, 2005)
In addition to eating disorders, the media has also affected the young woman on how they perceive their body images. As said earlier the media has created tremendous publicity about the beautiful celebrities who have bodies, which are touted as the most desirable looks or body images. Ojeda argues that the young women are determined to go that extra mile to including having cosmetic surgeries to have Jennifer Anniston’s nose or Angelina Jolie’s lips without giving it a second thought! Failure to attain that fugue they are searching leads to low esteem which affects their performance and ego (Ojeda, 2003). The young girls are forgetting what the scriptures refer to be beautiful. No where in the bible beauty is attached to thinness!
The bible is rich in expressing to humanity about the beauty of a woman. Yes, people can define beautiful woman in reference to physical trends or characteristics but the bible sees beauty to be more defined by the character of an individual (Maltese, 2011). For instance, In Proverbs 31 we even see an entire chapter devoted to what King Lemuel’s mother taught him about the perfect woman. She taught him to look for something beautiful in the woman that he would have for his wife because God made all women to be something beautiful. The following are some of the characteristics an ideal (beautiful) woman should have; kindhearted, generous, respectful, faithful, trustworthy and honorable. This is what the young woman should b anger o achieve and hence they will be regarded as beautiful. God is not after our physical figure but the inner part of us. Why search to be thin and end up hospital.
Young woman should not be influenced by the earthly perceptive on beauty but should put their energies in understanding what God desires from them. The bible talks of how bad it would be to have the whole world and miss heaven. God is concerned with the inner person as opposed to the outer looks. Above all, the bible is cl...
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