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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Difficult Conversations and Navigating Business Culture: Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Discussion Board: Case Studies - What Would You Do?

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Goal: Given everything you're learning this week about navigating business culture and communicating in a professional manner, how would you respond to the situations portrayed in this week's case study readings?

Case Studies Readings - Difficult Conversations and Navigating Business Culture.pdf

Primary Post: By Wednesday, select one of the four short case studies you read this week, and answer the following questions (300 words):

(1) How would you respond in this situation, and why?

(2) How might your response impact your colleagues, your supervisors, the company's clients? How might they respond (or react) to your response outlined above?

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Difficult Conversations and Navigating Business Culture
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Difficult Conversations and Navigating Business Culture
1 Learning the culture of someone's new job might be hectic. The person has to be proactive and has the tips to help him adjust at his fingertips. He also has to be open-minded, polite, not emotionally attached to other workers, among the different ways to adapt successfully. I would have spent time researching the new job rather than taking on social media like Facebook and Twitter. The situation needs me to be observant, learn the communicative patterns of colleagues or the acronyms, and learn how to navigate office politics. I would not be attached to any of the staff members but continue staying neutral and focused on understanding the working environment. I should not miss the point by not asking questions t...
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