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Literature & Language
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Cowspiracy and Foer: Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

Watch: Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (for discussion on Thursday). This is a documentary film available on Netflix to stream or Amazon Prime. If you are unable to access Netflix or Amazon, you can rent this on Youtube.

Read: Foer


1. How does Cowspiracy affect the way you understand sustainability? What are your key takeaways?

2. Compare the way Cowspiracy presents information, argument, and support to the way Foer does. How do those similarities and differences affect you as a viewer/reader?

3. Ask a discussion question that connects Cowspiracy with Eating Animals (this can be about the content or about the mode/style of rhetoric).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cowspiracy And Foer
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Cowspiracy And Foer
How Does Cowspiracy Affect the Way You Understand Sustainability? What Are Your Key Takeaways?
Cowspiracy is quite an enlightening documentary. By watching it, one is reminded of just how imperfect humans are. We are always looking to develop as a species, but we forget that we need to create a sustainable world for generations to come. By watching Cowspiracy, my view on sustainability has changed for the better. I have always loved the idea of owning a large farm with lots of cows producing milk or being sold for milk. But now, I think that that is not such a good idea. One of the takeaways is that sustainability is mostly affected by large scale production. The number of resources consumed in large scale production and the high levels of greenhouse gas emissions produced steal away what we need to survive as humans. Another takeaway i...
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