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A comparative analysis of 4 texts: Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

There are 2 parts to the essay.

The first is a comparative analysis of 1500 words considering the; text genre, intended target audience, text purpose, structure, similarities and differences in content, themes, frames, and use of language.

The second part is a 500-word essay on only one of the texts and how effective it is in achieving its communication purpose.

I would like to include the following concepts:

i) Comments on the ideas of the purpose of the discourse (instrumental or influential), the two levels of Agenda Setting (McCombs & Shaw 1972 & 2002), and

ii) The rhetoric triangle and how each text uses Pathos, Logos and Ethos.

iii) Discourse levels (discursive practice)

What are the normal features of a genre? (in this case news reporting)

What references does the discourse make to other sources? (intertextuality)

iv) Social level (social practice)

What ideologies and ‘common sense’ views are being put forward that are part of the fabric of the society we live in?

What does that tell us about the view of the newspaper?

v) The idea of multimodality and language in isolation/displacing language

I will attach the 4 different texts and the resources to reference

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Part and Part 2
Part 1: A Comparative Analysis
A comparative analysis is an essay that allows the comparison of artifacts. Through the analysis, the similarities and differences are highlighted using critical thinking to make arguments. Various aspects may be considered during the stage of comparative analysis. From our comparative analysis, we will evaluate four texts. The texts chosen for this purpose are "Human trafficking cases hit record" by May Bulman, "The Freedom Fund" press release, "Statement on human trafficking and the Global Plan of Action" by Ambassador Jonathan Allen, and #BeAwareOfTheSigns by UNODC. The central theme addressed in this text is the issue of human trafficking. As the rate of human trafficking continues to grow, there is a perceived decline in the rates of conviction. This has produced a worrying trend among campaigners and human rights organizations. This comparative analysis will comment on the ideas of the purpose of the discourse, whether it is instrumental or influential, the rhetoric triangle, discourse level, social level, and the idea of multimodality and language in isolation/displacing language.
Ideas and the Purpose of the Discourse
In these texts, we can clearly deduce that the main issue being addressed is human trafficking. This is an issue that is affected by social, political, and economic discourses. Bulman (2017) narrates how the number of human trafficking cases is increasing. However, the leading cause of concern for her was the decline in the rates of conviction. This implied that there were fewer people who were being incarcerated due to human trafficking. In order to support the arguments, Bulman uses data from the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to reveal how the situation is becoming worse. The second text is a press release by The Freedom Fund. Through the press release, the Freedom Fund reported how its recent report showed that human trafficking and modern slavery were increasing. Although they acknowledged the efforts being made by the international community, they believed that there was much to be done in order to attain total freedom. Although many people were coming out to speak against human trafficking and slavery, the challenge was much more significant, and more efforts were needed.
In text 3, Jonathan Allen, the UK Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, stated human trafficking. He started by addressing the issue in its current state and used data to reveal the current state of human trafficking. The message was to ensure that human trafficking was eliminated from the world economy. In the final text, UNDOC presents a graphic work with the hashtag #BeAwareOfTheSigns. Through the graphical presentation, they present critical human trafficking indicators and the signs that people who are under forced labor show. Some of the signs mentioned include having limited social interaction, inability to communicate with others freely, and suffering from injuries and aggression.
From these texts, we can see that the main message being passed is that human trafficking must be ended. There is a need to have bilateral efforts with all stakeholders and ensure that every person takes part to assist victims of human trafficking. The goals of all the messages presented are to rally support campaigns against modern slavery, forced labor, and human trafficking. The two levels of agenda-setting are utilized effectively throughout all the texts. In the first level, we see that all the texts present issues by focusing on the event, reports, and information drawn from what was reported or is being reported.
In the second level of agenda-setting, we see that the texts seek to influence the people to advocate for victims of human trafficking. It aims to persuade using evidence and emotional arousal based on the plight faced by victims of human trafficking. These are aspects that are demonstrated in both texts (Cheng, 2014).
The Rhetoric Triangle and Use Pathos, Logos and Ethos
In the art of rhetoric, pathos appeals to emotions, logos appeal to reason, and ethos appeals to the writer's character. These are essential aspects of ensuring that the information being communicated is credible and achieves its intended purpose. In the first text, Bulman (2017) successfully appeals to the audience using ethos or emotional arousal. In the title of his article, he uses "hit record high amid 'worrying' decline in conviction rates.' This is a statement that straightforwardly connects the reader with the dangers of the situation. Although there is a significant rise in human trafficking cases, the convictions were very low. This presents the case as an emotional story.
Moreover, she applies logos using data from the CPS. This provides a logical basis to affirm the level of suffering experienced by victims of human trafficking. Concerning ethos, he presents himself as a reporter, which implies that he is reporting the situation as observed. This is also important in warranting credibility. In the second text, pathos is used in the introduction paragraph in the statement, "much more needs to be done." This connects the audience with the situation emotionally. Logos are used when the report from Freedom is used to affirm the finding and the current happenings. Both the text use data from reports and manage to connect with the audience emotionally by applying words that evoke certain emotions or mood while reading.
Discourse Levels
The discourse being set through the texts offers comprehensive information about the situation, gives the audience an emotional connection, proves information with evidence, and calls to action. All the author uses effective communication styles, with strong arguments intended to inspire an emotional connection with the situation being considered. Based on the discourse level, we see how the language is used to create meaning. Therefore, the words used through the text extend beyond the sentence. They have a fundamental purpose they must achieve. For example, in the final infographic by UNODC, we see that languages like #BeAwareOfTheSigns are aimed to create a digital movement through hashtagging.
In the presentation by Jonathan Allen, he highlights critical areas that must inform the fight against human trafficking. However, the aim is beyond informing the au...
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