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3 pages/≈825 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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Development as a Writer

Essay Instructions:


Write a reflective essay about your development as a writer in this course.

This essay will reflect on the progress of your work:

- What were your initial fears and weaknesses when it came to the writing process?

- What areas of growth occurred in the development of your writing skills?

- What modes of writing were difficult for you, and which were easy?

- What strategies and recommendations will you establish for your future writing endeavors?

In a well-written essay, reflect on these questions and the development of your writing.

Content Requirements

- Candid, open, and honest exploration of your thoughts, feelings, and experiences

- Cohesive construction with effective developmental flow

Essay Sample Content Preview:

My Development as a Writer

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

My Development as a Writer

Mastering efficient writing skills requires extensive input in developing and nurturing that ability. During the course, I have learned that it takes proper decision-making, self-discovery, and dedication to personal growth for any individual to improve his/her writing skills. In this reflective essay, my focus is on exploring the various aspects of my growth as a writer throughout the course. The essay constitutes various elements that include my initial fears and weaknesses when it came to writing as well as the areas of growth that occurred in the development of my writing skills. Additionally, this reflective essay outlines the modes of writing that I found to be challenging and those that I found to be simple. The final faction of the essay showcases the strategies and recommendations that should establish my future in writing. Put simply, this essay is vital both in manifesting my journey toward becoming a better writer besides being a vital tool to any individual who feels motivated to improve his/her writing skills based on my journey.

The onset of my writing career was plagued with fears and weaknesses. Primarily, my biggest fear was the feeling of inadequacy. I doubted my ability

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