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Drafting and Peer Reviewing

Essay Instructions:

Topic 1: Drafting and Peer Reviewing: Get Ready to Revise and Finalize your Unit 8 Assignment

Your Unit 8 Discussion Board is a revised draft of your Unit 6 Assignment that incorporates three to four sources to help support, develop, and validate your ideas. Feedback you receive from your classmates and instructor will help you with revising this draft even further, as well as helping you ensure your Unit 8 Assignment credits all source information appropriately.


Complete the revision of your Unit 6 Assignment that you began in Unit 7 and then follow the steps below.

Copy/paste this draft version of your Unit 8 Assignment to the Discussion Board.

Your draft should be around four paragraphs.

Include three to four peer-reviewed secondary sources, as well as credit these sources with in-text citations.

Include a reference list.

Include a reflection on your progress so far in meeting the Unit 8 Assignment Rubric requirements and explain what you need to do to strengthen your draft to meet all expectations identified in the Unit 8 Assignment Rubric.

Include an open-ended question about the draft you have written, perhaps about a concern you have with development of the ideas or the use of and citation of sources.

Refer to and credits the Unit Lab and PG resources concepts to help validate your ideas about writing and to give you practice with using and crediting sources.

Use the following downloadable Peer Review Chart to generate and organize feedback on your classmates' drafts.

Focus on specific suggestions for improvement of ideas and use of sources.

Include relevant questions aimed at engaging your classmates and helping them to reflect on their draft, use of sources, and citations

Advance the discussion by asking relevant questions that motivate your classmates to reflect on the effectiveness of their topic choices.

Develop ideas in at least 100

Refer to and credit Unit Reading material in your posts to help validate your suggestions about writing improvement.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Peer Review Chart

Help the writer see what he or she did well.

Find one quality in the draft that is particularly effective. Explain why it’s a strong quality and why the writer should keep doing this information. 

The essay draft effectively delves into the pervasive influence of technology on memory, presenting a cohesive and structured argument. The writer adeptly navigates through the various aspects of this impact, from the general reliance on technology to the specific role of smartphones. The negative impacts of technology have been noted by many scholars with Korte (2020) reporting neurological repercussions associated with language development, internet/gaming addiction, and emotional signal processing. The structure of the essay is logical, allowing readers to follow a clear line of reasoning. This quality is crucial for maintaining the reader's engagement and comprehension. The essay successfully draws attention to the modern phenomenon of overreliance on technology and its implications for memory.

Evaluate the main pointIf you were the intended nonprofessional audience for the paper, what do you think the writer could do differently to strengthen the main point so that the writer’s point about the topic is clear and immediately understood?

While the main point is evident, reinforcing it with acknowledgment of potential counterarguments or recognizing the possible benefits of technology on memory would add depth to the argument. By acknowledging opposing viewpoints, the

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