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A Pretty Good Day

Essay Instructions:

It's not research based, but I think "A Pretty Good Day" demonstrates that well. It is a blog post from Facebook, a social media site that used to be cool but is now used entirely by old people (or so my son tells me). A police officer in Bangor, Maine named Tim Cotton was assigned to run his department's Facebook page. Instead of just posting reminders of street closures, etc., Cotton got creative, with the result that the page now has more followers than Bangor has residents. He's funny and a good writer; he shares inside views of law enforcement in a mid-sized city undergoing struggles with drugs, domestic violence, and other issues felt in many areas around the world. "TC" (as he signs his post and is generally known on the Facebook page) ended every post with the same line: "Keep your hands to yourself, leave other people’s things alone and be kind to one another." As a one-sentence encapsulation of how to be a good (and law-abiding) human, it's hard to beat.

Let me hear your thoughts! You've had plenty of practice responding thoughtfully to other pieces of writing by now. You might consider asking "why did he write this?" or what he made you realize that you hadn't thought about before.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

“A Pretty Good Day” Discussion Post

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Subject and Section

Professor’s Name

November 9, 2023

When I read "A Pretty Good Day," I felt an immediate warmth and familiarity, as if Officer Tim Cotton had invited me for a cup of that extra-dark roast Folgers he vividly described. It's not just a recounting of a day in the life of a police officer; it's a narrative that captures the essence of human connection. His words aren't just informative—they're an embrace from a friend who's seen things yet still sees the good.

Why did Tim Cotton write this? It feels like he’s reaching across the digital divide, using the Bangor Maine Police Department's Facebook page to sit down beside us, sharing a story with a smile. It’s a refreshing change from the impersonal snippets of information I’ve come to 

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