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Deindividuation, Anonymity, and Diffused Responsibility in "It’s No One’s Fault When It’s Everyone’s Fault”

Essay Instructions:

Write an essay that analyzes how the unit short stories illustrate one or more of the terms from the article “It’s No One’s Fault When It’s Everyone’s Fault.” Deindividuation Anonymity Diffused responsibility

Use evidence from at least two of the unit short stories and Shelby Ostergaard’s “It’s No One’s Fault When It’s Everyone’s Fault

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Shelby Ostergaard's article, "It's No One's Fault When It's Everyone's Fault," provides a profound analysis of the themes of conformity, tradition, and the concealed darker aspects of societal norms as they manifest in Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery." This insightful examination prompts contemplation of three psychological phenomena that underscore the narrative's unsettling commentary on cruelty within group dynamics: deindividuation, anonymity, and diffused responsibility.

In "The Lottery," Jackson skillfully paints a vivid picture of a tightly-knit community ensnared by a longstanding tradition, compelling us to reflect on the problematic consequences of unquestioning adherence to societal norms. The town's inhabitants, driven by the fear of ostracism and an unwavering loyalty to their community, willingly engage in a horrific act of violence against one of their own. This narrative is a stark indictment of the dangers of mindless obedience 

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