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Obtaining Representative Sample, Homogeneity, and the Sample Methods

Essay Instructions:

Introduction to Sampling:

Understanding what sampling is and how to properly select a sample for your proposed research study is the backbone of understanding research methods. Researchers use a sample of the population on which to conduct their research and then are able to make valid generalizations about the entire population. By being able to explain why and how they chose their samples, researchers can justifiably state how the results of their research can be applied to the larger population.

Defining a sample is not quite as easy as it may appear. Researchers have to determine how to prepare a sample, which includes defining the sample component and the population, evaluating the generalizeablity of the sample, and assessing the diversity of the sample. Next, they have to determine what sampling methods to use and decide between probability samples and non-probability samples.

Understanding the concept of sampling is one of the most important aspects of mastering research methods. It is one of the MOST important chapters in this book and this course. No doubt, you will come across the concept of sampling again and again throughout your academic career and your life.

This Assignment:

For this assignment, you will be given 7 short-answer questions. For short answer questions, write the answers in one or more well-organized, short paragraphs. Write as though you were writing a paper in APA style, and include citations, a reference page, and a cover page. There is no rubric for this assignment.

Here are the assignment instructions and questions:

Sampling Assignment

Introduction to Sampling:

Understanding the concept of sampling is one of the most important aspects of mastering research methods. It is one of the MOST important chapters in this book and this course. No doubt you will come across the concept of sampling again and again throughout your academic career and your life.

Understanding what sampling is and how to properly select a sample for your proposed research study is the backbone of understanding research methods. Researchers use a sample of the population to conduct their research. Ultimately the goal is to make valid generalizations about the entire population. When researchers can explain why and how they chose their samples, they can justify how the results of their research can be applied to the larger population.

Sampling is “the process of selecting observations” (Babbie, 2014, p. 197) within the context of the research question. The research question helps the researcher to determine which sampling method is appropriate for the research. Not all sampling methods are appropriate for every type of research. To determine if a sample is appropriate for the research question, researchers define the population and sample components, assess the diversity of the sample, test hypotheses, and evaluate the generalizeablity of the results. Next, staying within the context of the research question, they have to determine what sampling methods to use and decide between probability and non-probability sampling methodologies.

This Assignment:

This assignment is 7 short-answer questions. This means that your answer is one or more well-organized, short paragraphs. Remember, a paragraph is a minimum of three sentences, but preferably 5-7 sentences. Use APA style, including citations, a reference page, and a cover page. It is acceptable to copy and paste the questions, followed by your answer.

Please answer in complete sentences, a researcher

would... Avoid first person (I) and second person (you).


1. If you were asked to conduct a quantitative study of the hours students taking SOC at all ___ campuses spend each week on their homework, how would you obtain a representative sample?

2. When the population is homogeneous, do we need to sample to complete the study? Why or why not? Please provide an example of a homogeneous population. Hint: This may be a trick question, so think carefully before you answer.

3. Define each of these sampling methods: simple random sampling, stratified sampling, disproportionate sampling, and cluster sampling. Discuss when researchers might choose each method. Hint: The many research studies described in the Babbie book are a very good source for the required examples.

4. How does sample size affect sampling error? Provide an example.

5. Using the New York Times, the Washington Post, or the Los Angeles Times AND one other newspaper, such as your local newspaper or USA Today, find two newspaper articles reporting the results of an opinion poll. What information do the articles provide on the sample that was selected? What additional information do you need to determine whether the sample was a representative one?

6. Using an article from your article collection, find one article that discusses the sample chosen for research. Define the population and sample components. What is the diversity of the sample population? How do you know this? Describe how and why the sample was chosen, including any issues related to how the sample was chosen.

7. Provide one example of a probability-based sampling design and one example of a non-probability-based sampling design. What are two advantages and two disadvantages of both? Hint: The many research studies described in the Babbie book are a very good source for the required examples.
Where to find guidance on how to complete this assignment:

 Read the Babbie text, specifically the chapter that discusses sampling (chapter 7).

 Pay attention to the articles in your article collection and check for articles that explain how samples were chosen.

 Review all of the materials in the week 4 module on the course Canvas site.

 Use keywords and do a Google search for help.

 Check out OWL for help with MUGS.

Requirements for the formatting of the APA style cover and reference pages:

 Follow the same rules for previous writing assignments.

 Do not forget to cite and reference your sources.

Requirements for the text of your paper:

 Follow the same rules for previous writing assignments.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Research Writing Paper

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I would employ probability sampling to obtain a representative sample for the students. Three phases of probability sampling ensure that the data is representative and include defining the population, identifying the sampling frame, and applying the sampling technique. In this form of selection, every student would have an equal opportunity to be selected to take part in research. This is the best approach to ensure all sampling units increasingly represent the entire student population from which it is derived. Although this does not imply that the sample would be 100% representative of the student population, it reiterates that most random samples would be adjacent to the populace most of the time and that it is feasible to establish how probable a sample is authentic (Rahman et al., 2022).

Homogeneity implies that all items within the sample are selected since they demonstrate identical attributes (for example, members of a particular age group share might share the same age). Therefore, group members have shared interests and goals and thus can be termed as a homogenous population. Thus, the probability sampling technique becomes increasingly valuable for homogenous populations to support the representativeness and generalizability of the research findings. For a homogenous population, samples must be gathered randomly, and there is no room for bias. No matter the number of samples collected, the number should be the sample because every sample

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