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Research Assignment 3.1: Determining Causes and Effects

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 3.1: Determining Causes and Effects – Draft Version 
Due Week 7 and worth 150 points
Select one (1) of the following scenarios on which to focus your cause and effect paper. Research the topic and include credible sources to support claims. Identify your purpose clearly, incorporate audience needs, establish a desired tone, and organize information/claims effectively.
1.The President of Strayer University has asked you (a full time university professor) to write about the major causes and effects of stress on college students. The paper will be presented to senior administration in order to help students have a more positive college experience.
2. The director of your state unemployment agency has asked you (a public relations specialist) to write about the causes and effects of unemployment on an individual/family. The paper will be presented to the agency as they make decisions about reaching out to those who need jobs.
3. The CEO of Bank of America has asked you (a financial analyst) to write a paper on the causes and effects on not keeping a personal budget. The paper will be presented to the communications department of the company so they can create budget forms for customers.
Write a four to five (4-5) page paper in which you:
1.Provide a clear thesis statement.
2.Describe the major cause.
3.Describe a leading second cause
4.Describe two (2) economic effects of the cause..
5.Describe two (2) effects on people.
6.Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
7.Provide three (3) relevant and credible sources to support claims. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
•Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
•Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Major Causes and Effects of Stress on College Students
Student’s Name
Course Title
Professor’s Name
Major Causes and Effects of Stress on College Students
It is natural for human beings, young and old to experience stress from time to time. Gordon (2001) defines it as psychological and physiological state that results when certain features of an individual environment called stressors create discomfort, anxiety or feeling of being overwhelmed. Continued stress leads to distress with physical symptoms such as headaches, high blood pressure, insomnia etc. Some researchers argue that no one can live a stress free life and therefore it is better for people to identify their stressors and learn how to manage their stress levels (Baqutayan & Moukhtar, 2012). This paper will identify and discuss the major causes and effects of stress among college students. Though it is not possible to eliminate stress, elevated levels of stress have detrimental effects on health and academic performance of our students. Therefore, this paper will be presented to the senior college administration to provide the necessary assistance in helping the students cope with stress and make their college experience more positive.
Causes of Stress
The major causes of stress among college students are academic issues such as too much course work, unsatisfactory academic performance, preparation for tests etc. A little pressure from parents and teachers is helpful to students because it motivates them to perform better. However, fear of failure to meet own or others’ expectations in academics makes the students perceive the motivation as pressure, which overwhelms them and usually makes them to experience stress. Augmented anxiety from tests make students more emotionally vulnerable because of poor grades are a threat to their academic and prospects and it lowers their self-esteem. This makes some college students to become very anxious and hence the reason for depression during examination periods. Although college workload is usually significantly higher than that of high school because more knowledge and information is required in assignments, projects and presentations, having very many courses in a semester can overpower one’s ability and cause a great deal of stress.
Another leading cause of stress among college students is the transition from high school to college, where students shift from being dependent to being independent. Stress occurs due to demands associated with life changes such as leaving home, becoming independent decision makers, and competing against new standards. They have to adapt to the new life, sometimes new language and behavior, new places and routines away from the nurturing and protective security of their family. While in college, life realities start kicking in and the students are expected to adjust and perform academically. Such changes in life create excessive internal demands that need constant effort and adjustment. Many students take the change as a threat and often feel helpless rather than a challenge that prepares them for the future
Effects on stress
Many college students do not know how to handle stress and therefore, it continues to build up it can take toll on the economy and the wellbeing of the students. Stress disorders leads to high costs, which are a burden to the economy. Kessler & Greenberg (2002) indicate that stress disorders have adverse effects on secondary outcomes such as teen childbearing, marital stability and academic achievement. For instance, some fields like medicine may run short of labour supply since it tends to consider high academic achievers. Therefore, potential students lose the chance becau...
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