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The Document as Memorial: Ii Naosuke & Tokugawa Nariaki

Essay Instructions:

Analyzing primary source documents

(Adapted from the Library of Congress, http://memory(dot)loc(dot)gov/ammem/ndlpedu/lessons/99/billy/analyze.html )

The aim of this essay-writing assignment is to develop an understanding of the interpretive aspects of historical research and experience the historian's dilemma of assessing the credibility of a primary source.

Researchers also will come to the realization that the frame of reference for the production of the source can influence the researcher's attempt to gain a true perspective of historical events and/or personalities.

Primary sources can provide valuable information about historical figures and events, but it is important for researchers to develop a series of questions that will be useful in assessing the validity of the documents. Consider the following questions in your analysis of the document/s to achieve a more effective use of the primary source document/s.

Organize your thoughts and responses as an essay, with an argument, in which you make points to support the argument, and back up the points with evidence from the sources. (See below for instructions on how to cite your sources.)


  1. What type of document is it: letter, court record, diary, newspaper, broadside, government record, interview, etc.?
  2. What was the origin of the document?
  3. Can the author be identified?
  4. When was the document created?
  5. For what audience was the document created?
  6. Why was the document created?


  1. Read through the document once to get a general idea of the content.
  2. Next, read the document more slowly. Divide it into smaller segments. What information does the document contain with reference to lifestyle, governmental affairs, historical events, economics, laws, beliefs, etc.?
  3. If the document is not dated, can you determine an approximate date from the information contained within the document?


  1. Is the information given in the document reliable? How do you know? If this were a longer research paper, what other sources could you use to verify the document's accuracy?
  2. Did the author take part in the event or was he/she reporting what others had said? If s/he took part, how so?
  3. Did the author have a positive or negative interest in the events? How can you tell?

Determine Its Usefulness:

  1. What information from this document is useful for the development of your topic? Or, what argument about the document, author, event/s, or context can you begin to make from the document/s? Support the argument with evidence from the document/s.
  2. What does this information add to the development or analysis of your topic? How can incorrect information or a biased viewpoint be used in your analysis of your topic?
  3. What other questions or lines of inquiry does this document suggest?


Essay Sample Content Preview:

LI Naosuke
This document is memorial that indicates the various views that Naosuke had on the foreign policies that Japan should have adopted. The document details the various advantages that would be accrued from taking a peaceful approach. The origin of the document is Japan, as it largely discuses Japanese policies by Naosuke a Japanese. The author of the piece is likely Naosuke. The document was created in the 1800s, when American ships started docking at the Japanese islands. This document is created for international relations scholars along with history students. It was created to shed light on the foreign policy development with reference to past attempts. It is apparent from the document that most of the Japanese respect their cultural lifestyle. Furthermore from the context there is an indication that most of the Japanese government policies were exclusionary and indicates the historical elements of the country. It is also apparent, country had managed to gain economic growth and most of the people believed in a self-sustaining economy. From the content and context of the paper, it may have been written early 1800s.[LI Naosuke Memorial On The American Demand For A Treaty 1853, ebook, 1st ed., n.d.]
The information given in the document is reliable as it cites actual dates, historical events and personalities of the time. It is also evident that the author took part even in the negotiation of the treaty with the Americans. Ideally the author had positive interests in the events as he proposed peace and strategic development of the country’s defenses. From the way the author brings out the element of creating a defensive force, it is clear that the author are very informed on war strategies. This further informs my argument that aggression does not always bring about stardom. Showing the Americans that Japan is hostile...
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