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Describing Demonstrative Communication

Essay Instructions:
Write a 900- to 1,050-word paper describing demonstrative communication. Demonstrative communication includes nonverbal and unwritten communication and involves such things as facial expressions, tone of voice, body language, and so forth. Include the following elements in your paper: - Provide examples showing how demonstrative communication can be effective and ineffective, positive and negative, for the sender and receiver. - Explain how demonstrative communication involves listening and responding. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Demonstrative Communication [Insert Name Here] [Insert University Here] A woman is greeted by a friend, asking her of how she was feeling after observing her seated at her desk in a rather sulky manner. Contrary to what the friend was expecting to hear, the woman replied that she was "fine and doing well". If you were the friend, would you believe that the woman was actually "fine and doing well" despite the obvious hints in her behavior? Indeed, words have come out of her mouth indicating her reply and hence, the presence of communication. Then again, is it communication to the fullest? As there are other indicators present at the time, should the friend merely rely on the words said by the woman and believe it to be so without doubt? For certain, communication is an exchange of ideas, a sensible way towards establishing a connection between two or more people no matter the extent. However, communication is not simply to be taken in its plain form; more often than not, there are hidden messages behind them. In a manner of speaking, it could be said that what you hear isn`t at all what you get. The use of language and words in communication lies in the domain of verbal communication. But while there is that, other indicators - oftentimes, subtle ones - play an important role in the process of interpreting the communication process itself as well; hence, Demonstrative Communication. Demonstrative Communication is defined by nonverbal as well as unwritten expressions of oneself. That said, it generally refers to the interpretation of language that is without the deliberate use of language itself; for the most part, demonstrative communication is transcended through behavior such as is the case with body language and facial expressions. However, while there are physical evidences of this aspect of communication, there are also cues, or hints, which are present even during verbal communication. These ‘hints` are subtle for the most part as such with the tone of the voice and even with the choice of words. The situation cited above is a good example of demonstrative communication; if anyone else were the friend in that instance, they wouldn`t really believe the woman - her lips may say she`s "fine and doing well" but her actions say otherwise therefore, anyone would find her response quite doubtful. In expressing oneself, words usually aren`t enough. In his book, Louder than Words, Barbour (1976) characterizes the impact of a message; apparently, it breaks down to 7 percent verbal (words), 38 percent vocal (volume, pitch, rhythm, etc) and 55 percent body movements (mostly facial expressions). On this basis, we find that actions d...
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