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This is a 7 FULL pages, not including the title page, abstract page, and inference page, argumentative research essay. Please research the topic and write a well-round "A" paper. You must use 8 different sources. You MAY NOT use a web source unless it is from a scholarly database. All of your sources should be from scholarly journals. You MAY NOT use wiki, dictionary or encyclopedia sources. The paper must include properly formatted in text citations and a reference page. Any paper without a reference page, in-text citations, or failing to use APA format will be an F paper. You will report what you have learned from your research. This paper should include quotes and proof from your research. Your essay must be thesis driven and offer an argument. Please refer to your textbooks if you are still unclear on how to structure an argument. Your essay must be divided by headings/subheadings (please refer to APA guidelines). You may use graphs or other images (properly cited). You may not have more than 2 block quotes (direct quote of 40 or more words). I will attach one document that will go toward the 8 required sources. If you have any questions, let me know
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Internal migration - involves moving to a new destination but in the same country
External migration - involves moving into a new destination outside the country
Emigration - refers to leaving one country to move to another country
Immigration - refers to moving into a new country
Population transfer - this refers to when a large group of people is transferred out of a region. It is usually involuntarily and can be referred to as forced migration.
Chain migration - refers to a situation whereby one family member moves abroad and then influences the migration of the other family members.
Return migration - refers to the voluntary movement of the immigrants back into their countries of origin.
Seasonal migration - refers to a situation whereby people move from one place for a given period of time due to labor or climatic conditions.
Internally displaced persons (IDPs) - this refers to a situation whereby a person is forced to move from his/her own home due to political or social instability. However, these people do not cross the borders of the countries.
GDP - (Gross Domestic Product) This is the market value of all the final products produced in a country in a specific period of time. It usually reflects a country`s standard of living.
Migration is a topic that has raised a lot of concern to various sociologists and economists. This is due to the fact that migration leads to both positive and negative effects of development to both the host countries and the donor countries. In this paper we seek to uncover some of the related to migration which include: the positive and negative impacts of migration, causes of migration and the various types of migration. This paper is argument oriented and we are also going to comprehensively analyze the concept of migration and the impacts that it has towards economic development and then conclude whether it is can be recommended or discouraged both for the host and the donor countries.
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Glossary PAGEREF _Toc323384835 \h 2Abstract PAGEREF _Toc323384836 \h 3Introduction PAGEREF _Toc323384837 \h 4International Migration of Labor PAGEREF _Toc323384838 \h 5Migration and Development PAGEREF _Toc323384839 \h 6Causes of immigration PAGEREF _Toc323384840 \h 7Impacts of migration PAGEREF _Toc323384841 \h 9Positive impacts of migration PAGEREF _Toc323384842 \h 9Negative impacts of migration PAGEREF _Toc323384843 \h 9Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc323384844 \h 11References PAGEREF _Toc323384845 \h 12
Migration refers to the movement of people from one place to another. While migrating, the migrants may take up permanent or seasonal residence in the host countries. Migration has taken place throughout human history. It takes several forms depending on where an individual is moving to or the localities involved (Özden and Schiff, 2005). We can therefore categorize migration based on the scales of movements for example intercontinental whereby the emigrants move across continents; intra-continental whereby the individuals across different countries but on the same continent. Rural to urban migration can also be considered a scale of migration whereby people move from the rural areas to the urban areas in search of economic activities.
International migration takes place when people move across the borders of different countries and then stay in a country that is not their own. The new acquired country is referred to as the host countries. People migrate to different places for a number of reasons. Some people may leave their home countries in order to look for economic opportunities in another country. Others migrate to be with family members who have migrated or because of political conditions in their countries. Others migrate for the purposes of education. There are several different systems that can be used for categorizing international migrants. The migrants can also be divided into two large groups, permanent and temporary. Permanent migrants intend to establish their permanent residence in a new country and possibly obtain that country`s citizenship while the temporary migrants intend only to stay for a limited periods of time; perhaps until the end of a particular program of study or for the duration of their work contract or a certain work season. Both types of migrants have a significant effect on the economies and societies of the chosen destination country and the country of origin. The countries which serve as the hosts for the immigrants can be grouped into four main categories namely: traditional settlement countries, European countries which encouraged labor migration after World War II, European countries which receive a significant portion of their immigrant populations from their former colonies, and countries which formerly were points of emigration but have recently emerged as immigrant destinations. The sub-Saharan Africa has the highest growth rate in net international migration in the world. The main reasons for the migrations are armed conflicts, lack of job opportunities, seeking educational opportunities and some are not just contended with their countries so they tend to look for more opportunities of exploration abroad. Demographic and environmental pressures have a less important direct impact, but a more pronounced indirect impact on migration through conflict and job opportunities. In particular, the frequency of natural disasters has a positive and significant effect on the probability that a country will experience an outbreak of armed conflict(Özden and Schiff, 2005). Furthermore, there is no evidence of a ‘migration hump` or of persistence in net migration rates in the Sub-Saharan Africa and no evidence that immigration is causing conflict in host countries. However, there are some long-term effects and short-term effects of migration in the affected countries.
International Migration of Labor
International migration of labor plays a very important role as far as industrialization and development are concerned. The international migration of labor is an important component of globalization and economic development in many less developed countries (LDCs). The number of international migrants, or people residing in a country other than their country of birth, has increased more or less linearly over the past 40 years. International migration raises both hopes and concerns for the LDCs from which international migrants come. The migrants include millions of highly educated people from countries in which human capital is relatively but also significant flows of relatively low skilled workers whose productivity and wages are far higher abroad than at home. International migration also produces benefits. The most tangible of these are remittances, ...
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